Chapter 48

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„What's wrong Em, please stop crying, I don't know what to do anymore to help you." I whispered. I felt how my emotions kicked in while I was walking around the livingroom with her and Night Changes playing on my phone for her.
It was 11:30 pm and it was way to late to call Anne or Gemma for help. I'm her mother, I have to do this alone and being able to calm down my own baby. I am supposed to take care of her. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I felt how the tears started to fill my eyes and how they fell down my cheeks. I couldn't stop, it was like a waterfall. All my emotions came out and I couldn't even stop that. Why can't I do this? I can't even spend a night alone with my baby without failing.

„When is your daddy coming home?" I sobbed.
I didn't want to call him and ruin his night. I want to be able to take care of my child myself and handling everything on my own. I tried to change her position and put her on my shoulder next to my head but it still didn't work. How could such a tiny little human even have so much energy and cry for hours and hours without stopping?

Finally she stopped, I laid her down in her crib in our bedroom and slowly walked out of the room as her crying started again.

„For fucks sake." I was frustrated. I lifted her up again and walked downstairs around the house, through the livingroom, the kitchen and every other room.
Nothing helped.
I stared at the watch holding her close to my chest hoping my heartbeat would calm her down. It was now 01:00 am. Tears started to escape my eyes again. They fell faster and faster every second.

„Please Harry, please just come home." I whispered to myself.

I was still hushing Emma as the door opened.

„Y/n, what's wrong?" I heard his voice and immediately turned around.

„Thank god you're here now." I said as he rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

„Are you okay?" he asked as his voice made Emma finally stop from crying.

„She just wouldn't stop crying and go to sleep. I tried everything but nothing worked." I cried even more when I looked up into Harry's green eyes. I laid her into his arms and she finally calmed down.

„Has she been like this all night?" He asked stroking over her cheek.

„All fucking night." I said drying my tears with a tissue.

„Shhhh, daddy is here now." Harry smiled at her.

„I'm so sorry Y/n, I shouldn't have left you alone."

„Harry I don't want you to feel like you can't go out and you had to, it's your job."

„Yeah but not that late, I should've come home sooner. Did you even eat something honey?" he asked rubbing my shoulder. I shook my head.

„I tried to calm her down the whole night."

„Oh sweetheart, go eat something you must
be starving." he gestured to the kitchen.

„But I have to feed her soon again."

„It's okay, I'll give her one of the bottles from the fridge." he said and we both walked towards the kitchen.

„How did you even manage to make her stop crying in like two seconds?" I ask totally exhausted.

„I've got a way with the ladies." he said laughing.
It made me laugh to for the first time this night. I was just reliefed when he finally got home..


„I'm glad to be out of the house for once." I said to Gemma after we ordered our coffee that I waited to drink since I got up this morning. I can't spend a day without a cup of coffee anymore. In the past I drank it with milk but now it has to be black with a bit of sugar, like Harry always drinks it. Emma is the sweetest but I still get very little sleep.

„I'll bet, I didn't see you two in ages." Gemma said as Emma fell asleep in her arms.

" Gemma said as Emma fell asleep in her arms

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Today I got out of the house with Emma to meet Gemma for a coffee

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Today I got out of the house with Emma to meet Gemma for a coffee. Harry was already at the arena because of their show tonight. Besides going out for groceries, this was the first time I really could go out of the house. I got so bored with every day that passed.
So I decided that I would go to the show and see the boys. I didn't see them since they came to visit me in the hospital after Em's birth. I just wanted a nice evening out with Harry and our friends and since Anne is going to watch Emma, I can finally have that.
I love Emma, more than anything else but I've got to get out of the house and have some alone time with Harry. It's been so long since we were both a night out.

„Hey Gem listen I never really had the time to say this.."

„Oh no, what did you do now?" she asked, her face getting serious.

„Nothing, you can calm down." I laughed.

„Look the day Em was born, I was out of this world and you stayed by my side the whole time.
You helped me get through this horrible day and made decisions for me that I'm forever thankful for because I couldn't do them. I don't want to imagine how I would have done this alone especially without getting a hold of Harry. You didn't have to be there but you were and you didn't leave my side for a second. I will forever be thankful for that. You are my family and my best friend. I love you and that's one of the many reasons why Harry and I decided to ask you something.
Would you like to be Em's godmother?" I asked shyly, not sure if she would want this.

„Omg Y/n, I'd love to be her godmother. I feel honoured that you asked me."

„Are you kidding? You are my best friend, my family, I love you, how could I not ask you?"

„Thank you so much and I love you too." She got up and came over with Emma on her arm to give me a hug.

„Stupid tears." Gemma said while she wiped her tears away that formed in her eyes."

„Stop, before I have to start too. I still can't control my emotions that good." I laughed.
She changed the conversation to stop the tears from falling.

„So are you coming too to the show tonight?"

„Yes, it's the first time I'll be at one of their shows after Em's birth. I'm so excited. I can't wait to finally hear them singing again." I told her with a big smile on my face.

„Who is gonna watch Emma? Are you taking her to the show?" Gemma asked after the waitress brought us our coffees.

„No, Anne is gonna watch her. She insisted to come over to our house so Harry and I could be out together for once."

„That sounds just like my mother." she laughed taking a sip of her coffee.

„I love your mother, she cares so much about Emma and loves spending time with her. I'm happy she has a grandmother that's here for her, since my mother can't be here." I told her thinking of when I saw my parents the last time.
They only saw Emma on our factime calls. It's not that easy for them to get to the UK because of their job there.

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