Chapter 13

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„I just wanted to see my five favourite boys, espescially you Harry." she said while getting closer to Harry until she was so close she touched his stomach.
He instantly pulled back and took a few steps backwards.

„I'm sorry but you aren't allowed to be here." Harry replied. „Please go back to the area you have to be." he continued.
„But why is she here then?!" she alomst yelled and pointed her finger at me.
„Because he is my bo-...uuhm best friend." I tried to explain and almost failed.
„Yeah, and I'm sorry but you have to go now. You're not supposed to be here." Harry told her again but this time he led her out of the door.

„I'm sorry Harry I couldn't tell her that we're together, she would walk around and tell everyone and I think it's a little bit soon for the public to know don't you think?" I asked. I was a little bit scared that he wouldn't have the same opinion as I did.
„I totally understand, I don't want our relationship to be ruined because of someone who would tell everyone about us."
„Get a room guys." we heard Louis scream from the other end of the room.
Liam got up from the couch they were sitting and said: „Guys we should get going. We have to be at the soundcheck any minute now."
They then went out of the door. Harry kissed me goodbye and then left too.
„Y/n come with me I'll show you everything." Gemma said to me.
„Yes pleasee." I responded.
„Follow me then."
We went together out of the room to the corridor we walked through earlier. She showed me the dressing rooms, the hair and make up room. At the end we went out on stage were the boys were doing the soundcheck. Gemma and I sat down in the frint row of the arena. Nobody was there, just Gemma, I and the boys. It was weird to hear them singing all the songs without the screaming of all the girls in the arena. Harry saw us sitting there and listening to their beautiful, angelic voices.
Harry glanced over at me and everytime he saw me he would smile at me while he was singing.
After a few songs they finished and he came down the stage to me and Gemma.

„Are you having a good time or is this a bit boring?" he asked
„Are you kidding?" I said to him. „I'm having the time of my life here."
He smiled at me.
„Good, I'm glad to hear it."
„So the concert starts in about two hours and normally we have dinner with the whole crew at this time. Are you hungry?" He asked.
„Yes, let's grab some food." I answered.
He laid his arm around my shoulders and we headed to the eating area.
We went to the buffet and I grabbed some spaghetti with tomato sauce with a little bow of salad while Harry a bowl and oit soup in it.

We went to the buffet and I grabbed some spaghetti with tomato sauce with a little bow of salad while Harry a bowl and oit soup in it

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We walked to the tables.
There weren't that many seats left.
„Come over here guys. I held back some seats for you." I heard Gemma saying at a table who was placed in the middle of room.
Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis were already sitting there with Gemma.
„Thanks Gem." Harry replied.

I sat down next to Gemma and Harry was on the other side of the table and faced me.
He smiled at me all the time while we we were eating.

„Harry, don't you think that it was weird when Lizzy all of a sudden entered the room?" I asked „She has never done that before

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„Harry, don't you think that it was weird when Lizzy all of a sudden entered the room?" I asked „She has never done that before." I continued.
„She really is a little bit weird but maybe she just entered the wrong door."
„And what was that about when she touched you and almost kissed you? Why did she do that?"
„Y/n I think you're reading too much into it. Look, you are a little bit jealous when she acts like this and you already told me she is a bit like a fan and fangirling over us. I mean, what would she want to do?" he said.
„Maybe you're right...but I still don't really trust her...."

He shurgged his shoulders as if he wanted to say, it's nothing.
The next hour we finished eating and talked a lot. I got to know all of them a little bit better, there were lots of thing I didn't know about them. It was interesting to hear about their lifes and I especially loved talking to Gemma.
It was now time for the boys to get ready backstage.
„Follow me Y/n we have to get to our seats." Gemma told me. I followed her through the corridor again where we went through earlier. We walked through a door and got backstage.
From there we could walk a few steps down and enter the VIP area. We walked towards the seats. Some people were already sitting there, probably families of the boys.

As I got cöoser to the seats I recognized someone. It was Anne, Harrys mother.
„Heey Anne how are you?" I asked.
She instantly got up when she saw me and came to hug me.
„What a surprise, hiii Y/n, I'm good how are you darling? Wow you look beautiful!"
„Thank you, so do you. I'm really good thanks. I haven't seen you in weeks."
„Yeah it's been quite a while, I didn't know you would be here Harry didn't tell me."
„He probably forgot, as always." we heard Gemma saying.
„Hahah yeah probably." Anne said.
While we sat down, we talked about what was new and what happened the last few weeks when the opening bars to Drag Me Down.

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