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Friday, 8/5/18

Adelyn didn't like being constantly reminded of one thing. When she knew about it, had a reminder set on her phone, was looking forward to it herself, she didn't like being reminded of that thing again and again.

"We have a date tonight." Brandon reminds her, smiling at her warmly as he tied his apron around his waist, maybe she wasn't actually looking forward to it, nonetheless, she responded with a tight smile.

Brandon didn't realize he'd started a bomb to tick, her eyebrow twitched and she breathed in, "Yeah, I'm glad we finally got time to go on one."

Both of them had been swarmed with work the past few weeks, coincidentally, they finally had time off this Friday, and Brandon jumped on the invitation.

He was nice to her, there were times he'd pressure her, but he was good to her most of the times. He had a boyish innocent smile that attracted her the first time they met, when she'd started working with him at the diner.

Curly light brown hair, freckles dusted on his nose all the way to his cheeks, perfect straight teeth that looked like they could star in a Colgate ad.

With her last relationship being a fail, what she needed in the next one was someone who'd be nice.


Colton, wraps a strip of cloth around his wrist, then pulls up his thick black hair into a bun.

Teasingly he smiles at Blythe, who started at him with no emotion, wanting to do nothing more than bash her fist against his face.

"So, de a pepparoni on da pizza or meatball in da spagetti?" He winks, tongue in between in teeth when he stuck it out.

Ever since Wednesday, when he'd heard her conversation with Mason, he'd find any way to получить от нее удовольствие. Get a rise out of her. Continuously provoking her. She'd stare at him with murder in her eyes.

She loved murder.

They both walk to the mat, she fixed her bun while looking at him dead in the eyes. If she showed any sign of being annoyed, he'd have the upper hand.

Cука. Bitch.

"You know what color suits you?" She asks, a sly look on her face when they're standing right in front of one another and raising their fists.

"Handsome?" Colton smirks, like that one fucking emoji.


Carlos rings the bell from across the room, staring at the pair as they began to fight, Blythe moves a step back when her cousin throws a punch at her, dodging it, then dodging another.

She kicks, her foot reaching his head and then dropping to his chest to push him away, quickly retreating back and hopping on her feet, Colton steadies him, his eyes narrowing into slits.

"Red." She corrects him.

He runs to her, getting down and sliding his leg down to trip her over, she jumps up, grabbing his head and bringing her knee to hit his head when she's down.

Colton had moved back before she could, it was the dirtiest trick in her book.

They threw kicks and punches at each other, hitting one another, but not getting close enough to bring the other one down. Their chests were heaving and sweat covered their whole body.

"Not a foot away from the mat till one of you is tapping for air." Carlos scans them, not showing any sympathy, and then focusing on his phone again, bring it up to make a video.

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