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Yb= Younger Brother
M= Mother

*several months after last chapter.*

F: Again!

You rush Fade, rifting behind him and throwing a punch. He quickly dodges and punches you in the side. You go flying through the air but safely rift back to the ground. You.teleport behind him and hold a kunais to his throat.

Y/n: Gotcha master.

F: Nicely done.

You sit and watch as Vi does target practice. Skillfully hitting the bullseye with each shot she takes. When she finally runs out of arrows she slings her bow over her back. She goes over to the targets and pulls the arrows out.

You rift in front of her and she screams. She punches you in the shoulder hard. You rub your shoulder and stare at her.

V: I fucking hate it when you do that it scares me.

Y/n: *nervous chuckle* Sorry.

She doesn't give in with her death stare. She goes back to pulling the arrows out of the targets. You stand around for a bit and wait for Vi to get done. She looks at you slightly annoyed and puts her arrows back in her quiver.

V: What are you waiting around for?

Y/n: Well I wanted to know if you wanted to get hunting with me?

She ponders the question for a bit. And nods her head yes. You both take off running into the woods hopping into the trees. It quickly turns into a race. You both keep pace with each other and speed through the branches. You can see a clearing a head and you call to Vi.

Y/n: First one there wins!

V: Your on!

You both quicken your pace and you hop through the branches and hit the ground. You roll and lay in a patch of grass looking up at the blue sky. The hum of cicadas and you can hear a stream rushing near by. You stand up and go to walk towards the stream when you fell Vi's hand grab yours. You turn around and she has her head down.

V: H-hey Y/n, I haven't been honest with my feeling towards you...

Y/n: What do you mean?

V: I mean I love you.

Y/n: Like as a freind?

V: No...more than that.

You don't know how to process the information. She was usually really unopen to her feelings and now she open.

Y/n: What does that mean...

V: You grew up without love, and I want to give you mine.

She grabs your cheek and connects her lips with yours. It sends an electric shock through your body. A warm feeling washes over you, and you feel something you've never felt before. 'Is this love' you ask yourself. Vi pulls away and her cheeks are a bright red.

The momemt of peace and live is interrupted when you feel something grab you. Vi screams and the both of you gets pulled into the sky. You look up and see a massive black bird with white eyes. You look back down and see the ground beneath you begin to shrink. You go higher and higher before your dropped.

The wind rustled your clothes, you get over to Vi and she embraces you in a hug. She holds on as your fall speeds up.

V: I'm sorry I didnt tell you I loved you earlier.

You get a new feeling of determination. You breath in slowly and concentrate. You open your eyes and a rift cracks below you. You plunge into it and you feel as it whisks your body to a diffrent location. You hear the demon bird cry out before the rift closes.

You splash into a huge lake, in the distance you can see mountains. Vi jumpa in the water and pumps her fist in the air.

V: Were alive!

Y/n: Hell yeah we are.

Vi jumps onto you and embraces you into a deep hug. You wrap your arms around her back and she pulls away giving you a peck on the cheek. You look into her warm brown eyes and than back at the mountains.

Y/n: The hike back to Fades is gonna take about 2 days.

V: Cant you just rift us there?

Y/n: I cant i'm out of energy.

You look around you and start gathering sticks and straw. You make a tent and a tiny bed out of the straw. You put a campfire out front and lay down. You lay down in the bed and Vi lays next to you. She wiggles next to you and she looks at you.

V: Thank you.

Y/n: For what?

V: Being a good freind, helping me on our journey, and saving me multiple times.

Y/n: It's fine. We should get some rest tommorows gonna be a long day.

V: Your right.

Vi walks outside and throws some water over the fire. She cuddles back up against you. And you sit wondering. Is this love?

You leave the tent and walk by the water. The moonlight glimmers on the lake and you see a bear and her cub drinking from the water. You kneel and look at the water. You sit staring at your reflection and hear a voice behind you.

Y/b: Hey older brother.

You spin around in school and see your little brother standing there. He is a pale transparent figure and he stands smiling at you. Your lip shivers and you feel your knees buckle. The tears begin to flow.

Y/n: I'm sorry I couldn't save you, or mom, or dad. I was a coward and I ran leaving you there to die. I was weak...

F: You are not a coward

M: And you are most certainly not weak.

You see your mother and fathers figure appear behind your brother. They stand all eyes on you, smiling sincerely.
You run forward and wrap them all in a hug. You begin to sob and shake feeling their touch once more.

F: Were proud of you son.

Y/n: I've made freinds, I've learned to love.

M: Everything I wanted you to have, but what our clan took from you.

Yb: Promise me you'll defeat Perfect Shadow.

You begin to feel their figures fade away. You clutch them even more and tears begin to pour from your eye even more.

Y/n: Please Don't go!

They turn into silver dust and the wind sweeps them away. You watch the dust blow away and you find a new level of determination.

Y/n: I promise.

You walk back to the tent and lay down. Thinking of your family. All you've been through, the freinds you have.

Y/n: Brother, Mother and Father. Your death will not go in vain.

Fox Clan (Vi x Male Reader) (Smut)Where stories live. Discover now