Its just a doll

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( im sorry for anny miss spelling or anything like that. Have fun reading ^^ )

POV: Error

Ink and i made a truce.
A truce to not destroy but also not to create other au's. And because of that i got very board.
I remember that geno once told me that my string attack could also be used as a yarn to make stuff.
So I started to make dolls of anomalys that I killed and form the once that are still alive.

"UhhUg nOW im At IiI-Inks doll-
Why must He Have a SoOoo
comPliCa-ted outFiT"
Even though ink has such a complicated outfit I managed to finish the doll.

Now everytime i see the doll I stare at it because ink doesn't get out of my head. "DAnm U iNk- WHY wOn't u GeT out ofF my head?!"
I have a weird feeling every time I see that doll.
Could it be that I have more feelings for this squid than I should have?
I could fell my face turn into a bright blue blush. "NOO No nOo I CANT ALLOW TaaHt!"
I punched myself in my face not that it hurt but bring me back to commonsense. "It's Not pOssIble
ThAt I lIke iNk.."
I grabbed the doll i made and looked at it. I held the doll right in front of my face " shoUld I? " I asked myself."nOo its wrong.. AGhhGhh.. but what if It HelPs Me to fInd Out if I have some WieRd fEelIngs FoR that squid?"
I kissed the doll out of curiosity and I really Liked it.


"-yes and the tacos that blue made are really good"
"Yeah blue they tast good" awnseed dream.
"AW THANKS GUYS!" blue said
"Anyway I got to go now." As I opened a portal, the other two starsanses said goodbye.
"And now what do I do?"
I suddenly felt something on my hip like someone was grabbing me. I looked around but nobody was there.
"Well thats stran-" I stopped talking as I felt something on my mouth.
"The fu*k? What is that?"
It felt like a kiss but where did it come from? Mayby im just imadgining but I felt something again. "WHAT THE FRICK!? where does that come from?"
I decide to go visit error and ask him if he knows what is happening. I open a portal and go through.


"WhY did IT felT gOod/NorMal?"
Im questioning my actions when I suddenly heard a portal open behind me. I quickly hide the doll because i know that only ink and I can come and leave the void. I turn around to see ink come through the portal covering his mouth. Errors mind:"Wait why is he covering his mouth?!" I quickly relise that the doll I made is a Voodoo doll and sometimes the person/monster i made can actually feel what I do to the doll. "UghG iNk WHAT do YoU wAnt?"

" Hey error uhm I came here to ask you something" ink looked me in the eyes still covering his mouth.
" Sure ask Me IF you'lL leave mE alOne afTer thAt!"
I really didn't want him to see the doll but I couldn't just put it away so i put it in my pocket. If he'll leave me alone I could put it away without beeing embarrassed.
"Well so I was visiting dream and blue and after that I went home but then I suddenly felt something on my mouth and on my hip and I dont know where it came from. Do you know by any chance where it came from or what it is?" I start getting blue in my face. I knew what it was or where it came from. My soul just started shaking and I began to stutter. "I Ii DdONT kNoWWwWwW-" everything went black.

ErrorxInk its just a doll Where stories live. Discover now