the moment he saw

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Ink's POV:

Just when Error was about to say something he crashed. Normaly when he crashes its because someone touched him but this time he i was the only one there and there was enough space between us. I went up to the crashed skeleton and layed him on the couch he had. I wonder whats wrong with him. I cleaned his hoodie because there was dust on it, when I was almost done I noticed how blue his face was. Is he getting sick? I never saw this shade of blue in his face and its not even his strings. I'll ask him if he is sick when he wakes up. I sit down and start playing with brommi. (his paintbrush)

*an hour later*

I start getting bored. When I got up to leave the void I hear a reboot sound. That means error is gonna wake up soon. I decide to wait. As Error rebooted I saw something sticking out of his pocket. I grabbed it while error was still rebooting. "Is that a doll of me?" I held a doll in my hands wich looked like me. It really looked well done, It looked like something I would buy at a store the only difference is that its not black but blue yarn.
"DaAnG iTTt my HeAd hUrtS sooO bAd."
I look up to see error rubing his eyes.
"Error are you okay? You crashed when you where trying to tell me something.
I saw Error stare at my hands. He didn't say a word for like a minute .
"WhEre Did YOU gEt tHat doll?"
" I got it from youre pocket , I saw something in there while you where rebooting and I didnt want it to brake."

Error's POV:

I sit on my couch staring at the doll in inks hand. He took it while I was rebooting.
"I do have to say error the doll is made pretty good i would buy it when I saw it at a store. But why do you have a doll of me?"
"gIVe mE tHat" I reached for the doll and pulled on its arm to get it back.
" OUCH" Ink said while the doll was already in my hands "why doese my arm hurt?
"BECAUSE ItS a voOdOo dOlL you DumMy" ink just looked at me
" did you say Voodoo doll?"
I remember that ink asked me where the stuff was coming from he felt earlier this day.

" hey error before you crashed you wanted to say something. Was it about that doll?"
Ink tillted his hat to the side. He looked really creepy.
"NO dUmmMmy" I star to stutter because I have to think of something before he gets mad
" iI dOnt kNow whEre the StuFf came fRom"
" alright but why did you made a doll of me?"
That dumb skeleton won't stop asking huh?
"BecAuSe I Got a NEw HoBby, iNstEad oF KiLling i MakE dOlls oUt oF thE oNecE i Killed and The oneCe ThaT Are aLive."
I mean what am I supposed to do? I had to quit my job so this squid stopped fighting me.
"Thats a nice hobby Error"

ErrorxInk its just a doll Where stories live. Discover now