the bright looking skeleton

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         Pov: error
"HEYA MAN ,wassup"
The bright colors he was wearing where hurting my eyes.
"WhaT Do yOu WanT frEsh?"
"Dude youre in m AU! Thats my home man"

"UGhh riGht-"
"Yo dude those dolls of youres are looking fineeeeee!"
Fresh grabed my doll out of my pocket.
"HEyY gIvE tHat bAck!"
"Eyy man isnt that ink? Why are you carrying that around? Dose my bro have a crush?"
Is he mocking me? Hes was making a lenny face as he said that.
( that is btw a lenny face but i guess you guys know
what that is :  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

"SHuT u-" I crashed

"Oh dang- did it again. Well gotta drag him home"
I get on my phone and call ink to ask him if he could open a portal for me so i could bring error home.
"EYa man can you open a portal for me? My broski is blacked out again."
"Yeah sure i"ll be right there give me like 5 minutes."
I look at the doll. Wow my lil broski is getting better and better at these. A portal opened and ink came through.
"Sup homie! Mind helping me with that?"
"Sure-wait Fresh is error still carring that doll of me around?"
I guess he saw it in my hand. Well now we know that hes not blind.
"Yeah man, you saw it before? Hes getting good at those  you can see that this is the best one. Like look at thise stiches man! He really tried his best on this one."
"Really? Om my"
Ink and me start dragging error to the void.
"Eyo broski why you looking all rainbow in ya face?"
"Oh uhm error told me to drink the pink paint."
"Ooh man i dont wanna know-"
Honestly I don't wanna know what they did. Probably something dirty .
I know for sure that error has some wierd stuff going on about  ink but ink for error? Nah-
"Alright man time to go! Ma bro geno is waiting for me! Got to go."
"Alright bye Fresh!"

Fresh left the void leaving me again with error alone but this time with the effect of the pink paint. I look at him. He looks so peaceful and cute- wait! What is that feeling? Oh right the paint-
I lay my hand on error's cheek. He is cute tho even without the effect of the paint. I like this feeling a lot. I always want to feel that way. I get the cupe dream gave me and decided to use it.
The fusion with my soul really hurt so my hp went down to 10.
I am now able to feel on my own. I lay my hand back on error's face.
"Still cute"
"WhaT did yoU say?"
I jumped back. He scared me.
But I never heard his voice so calm like this. I smile and error looks at me confused while rubbing his eyes. "My heaD hurts Again."
Error let out a big yawn.

( first of im sorry! I dont know how I should express fresh in stuff like that and second the next parts get all romantic!! But why should I warn you? I know why you clicked on this story  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Let me know if you like my story and what I could do better.and yeah I know in that in picture is not annyone from the story, its my own character.  I just don't have any drawings of ink , error or fresh. You can find my drawings on intsagram and tiktok tho!
Instagra: @ lupinatale_draws
Tiktok: @ lupinatale )

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