Inks POV:
I know error said he didn't knew where the stuff i felt was comming from but i still belive he lied to me. I think he did something to the doll, mayby it was when made the doll.
"Hey error why is youre face this blue? I noticed its really bright "
I saw how his face turned more blue
I looked at my glasses with paint. I start to think that mayby if I drink a little bit from the right one I could understand how error feels rightnow.
"Error wich one of the glasses fits youre feelings right now?""WHy would YOU aSk tHat?"
" I try to understand you better and I think if I drink the right one I will understand more. Mayby its some kind of sick feeling and when I know what it feels like I can cure it."
Error stood up and pointed at the pink paint glass.
I drank the paint but just a litter bit so I wouldn't vomit again like the last time I drank it.
"This is- wierd"
this paint makes me feel like warm. I suddenly want to cuddle with someone.
" Error this paint lets me feel wierd, I don't know how to cure that."
"WelL i KnOw how you fEel, and I KnOw thaT was thE riGht glaSs."
" so you have the same wierd feeling like you want to cuddle someone?"
" uhM"
I ran up to the black skeleton only the see him staring to shake.
" are you okay?"
I stopped before I hugged him and left a little space between us.
"I- III??m JuTs- f!Ne"
He started to shake a little more.
" wait sorry i forgot about hapgephobia" ( that is the fear of beeing touched)" No ThaTs noT iT"
" then why are you shaking?"
He sat down and looked up.
" itS beCausE im NErvoUs tO huG yOu."
" wait what? So youre not afraid of me tuching you?"
(Please dont thinks sexual . ;v; )I sat down as well. I grabbed his hand.
"WhaT arE yOu dOing?"
" Well if youre not afraid of me touching you, why are you shaking so much? Wait dont tell me you like me." o.O
Error just looked at his hands.
I didnt expect that-To be continue
( let me know if I should continue the story ^^ )
I would also appreciate any tipps for writing. Its my first time writing a story and i hope ya'll like it =]
ErrorxInk its just a doll
Fanficthis is a story about error and ink and the feelings they feel over time( i don't wanna spoiler to much so have fun reading ^^)