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The tears that hadn’t come when she’d visited Ingrid’s grave, now found a way out easily, wetting Robyn’s hair and coat. She still had the same effect on her, ridding her of years of guilt and shame in an instant. “I missed you so much.” Robyn held on tight. They’d never hugged with so many layers of clothing between them, and it was so cold out on the street. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?” Nicki wiped away most of the tears with the back of her hand while she let go of Robyn. “Yes, yes,” Robyn stuttered while scrambling for her bag, and Nicki thought it was the most adorable sight she’d ever seen. Nicki took a deep breath while Robyn fumbled with the key in the lock. Her plan obviously had not missed its effect. “I can’t believe it,” Robyn rambled on as they climbed up the stairs. Once there, she had another lock to struggle with. Her hands were trembling so hard, she didn’t manage to slip the key in. “I’ll do it.” Nicki put her hand on Robyn’s and took the key from her. She let them in and they were greeted by the cutest ginger kitten. He jumped up and down and tried to climb up their legs. Nicki crouched down to pet him, but Robyn didn’t agree.
“Hey.” She seemed to have recovered from the shock. “I know he’s a furry little casanova, but humans first.” Nicki smiled up at her, lust and happiness and pure joy bursting through her veins. She shot up from kneeling next to the kitten, quickly got rid of her coat, and pushed Robyn against the door.
“You were right all along,” she told her as she pulled at the buttons of her jacket. “We have to try.”
Robyn just looked at her with hungry eyes. A look that sent a bolt of lightning straight up Nicki’s spine. She needed to feel skin, needed to disappear into this moment of reunion. They could talk later.
“Don’t you dare go slow now,” Robyn whispered, her voice just ragged breaths. Nicki yanked Robyn’s overcoat off her, tore at the navy pinstriped blazer she wore underneath, and started undoing the buttons of her starched white blouse. Her clothes may have been different, her hair styled for a corporate life, but her eyes were the same, and
the skin underneath the layers of fabric, although definitely paler than when Nicki had last seen it, once released, felt like home. Nicki paused before launching herself at Robyn’s bra. She took her time to take in the sight of a blushing Robyn, sandwiched
between her and the door. She wore a simple white bra with a bit of lace trimming around the top edge. Her face was make-up free, and rightly so because she didn’t need any cosmetics to enhance it.
“You’re beautiful,” Nicki said as she pulled the double layer of jumpers over her head, exposing a faded black Velvet Underground t-shirt underneath. Robyn’s hands lunged for it instantly. Nicki let her tear it off her. She didn’t wear a bra. Robyn seemed to have trouble suppressing a smile, but even more
than that, her face displayed pure lust. Nicki pressed her naked chest against Robyn and kissed her. She tasted vaguely of coffee and mints, and everything fell away. The doubts, the hesitation, the reasons for not booking a flight immediately. Nicki trailed her hands from Robyn’s neck, over her throat, to her bra, where she lifted a soft breast out of its cup. Her fingers found a nipple and squeezed. She wanted to taste it, but couldn’t tear her lips away from Robyn’s just yet. Robyn’s hands found their way between their bodies and, in her more gentler way, rolled her fingers over Nicki’s nipple. She felt it so clearly then, rushing through her, that she couldn’t hold in the words. Nicki broke their lip lock and regarded Robyn. Her lips were parted and her eyes half-lidded, but the blue still shone through.
“I’m so in love with you,” she said, and it didn’t feel foolish or rushed. “Oh,” Robyn groaned, as if Nicki had just pinched her nipple again. She pulled her close, her hands in Nicki’s hair, and kissed her with such fervour it didn’t leave any room for doubt about how she felt about that.
“Fuck me, please,” Robyn hissed into Nicki’s mouth.
“Really?” Nicki smiled. “That’s your response?”
“It’s the only one I have right now.” Robyn zipped down her trousers, pure need blasting from her eyes. Nicki understood that, in certain moments, it was the only way in which to express love. She kissed Robyn again, their tongues meeting for long seconds, teeth sinking into sucked-in lips, only coming up for air because they had to. Nicki’s right hand made its way down to the waistband of Robyn’s panties, but Robyn was impatient, curled her fingers around Nicki’s wrist and guided her hand all the way down in one go. There’s wet and there’s wetter, Nicki thought, as her fingers met Robyn’s drenched pussy lips. She didn’t tease, just plunged in, two fingers at once.
“Ah.” Robyn banged the back of her head against the door, which made the kitten at their feet mewl in distress. “Oh god.” Nicki thrust up and down, her movements restricted by Robyn’s panties, which didn’t seem to bother Robyn much. She saw no
reason to draw it out too long, Robyn had waited long enough. She let her thumb flick over Robyn’s clit and the effect was instantaneous. Nicki tried to remember if she’d ever seen a need so big, a desire so on display in someone’s eyes, etched on the mask of their face, expressed through the trembling of muscles. She stroked and circled, flicked and thrust, until Robyn’s body twitched against hers and went still for an instant, after which she collapsed in Nicki’s arms.

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