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Robyn’s cheeks flushed, which was to be expected, but she hadn’t had time to prepare for this moment—though she’d spent many hours awake at night thinking about it. She had no idea this opportunity would have presented itself so quickly, but could only be excited that it had—and that she’d had the nerve to go late night shopping last week.
“Go on,” she egged Nicki on. “Open the drawer.”
Nicki bit her bottom lip, curiosity glinting in her eyes, before turning around and reaching for the handle of the drawer. When she opened it, something started tingling in Robyn’s belly—the same excitement as when she’d purchased the item, and then later, at home, had tried it on for the first time. Idly, because there was no one to use it on. Robyn couldn’t see Nicki’s face as she caught sight of it, but she saw her body convulse with giggles. Nicki flipped back over holding a rather sizeable blue dildo and a strap-on harness. Her eyebrows were arched up—in surprise, amazement, disgust? Robyn had no idea. “Robyn Kane…” Nicki’s voice dripped with lust, all gooey and low. “Well, I never…” Robyn knew that if she wanted to be the one to use the contraption, she couldn’t just sit there looking smitten and subdued. She had to take charge. “I want to fuck you with it.” She put her hand on
Nicki’s—the one holding the toy. “Sooner rather than later.” Nicki obviously couldn’t wipe the puzzled look of amazement off her face. “How presumptuous.” She chewed on her lip again. “You can sleep on it, if you want.” Robyn tried to inject a casualness into her voice she was not feeling at all.
“That can’t be very comfortable.” Nicki drew her lips into that crooked grin. She deposited the dildo and harness on the pillow next to her, and dragged Robyn on top of her. “And I don’t need to sleep on anything.” She kissed Robyn’s doubts away—not doubts about what she wanted, but about how this would all go down. “I want you to fuck me,” she whispered in Robyn’s ear, her breath hot and moist. “Tonight.” Robyn’s mind blanked and her body turned to liquid. She realised she’d have to keep it together a bit more if she was to live her fantasy—however much by surprise it had taken her. Robyn disappeared into the bathroom with the toys. She took a shower and slowly towelled off, not rushing, but trying to enjoy the moment. She didn’t want to waste too much time either, for fear jet lag would win and Nicki would nod off. But she needn’t have feared. Apparently, the prospect of what was about to happen was enough for Nicki to kick her fatigue to the curb. She looked rather invigorated when Robyn stepped back into the room, blue dildo standing proud between her legs. When she’d tried it on out of curiosity, alone in her room, the first time, she’d already revelled in the immediate sense of power it seemed to instill her with. Now that Nicki was in the room with her, ready to receive, it made her blood sizzle in her veins. This was her first time, but Robyn knew exactly what to do, as if the knowledge just came with possessing the toy—with strapping it on. She approached the bed, where Nicki lay watching her, a curious but enthralled expression on her face—lips slightly parted, eyes slitted together.
“I hope this thing comes with lube,” Nicki joked.
“Of course,” Robyn was quick to say. She’d been too bashful to ask for a lot of information in the shop,
but she’d been prepared enough to buy lube in the process. She knew that much.
“You look so… incredibly hot right now. You should see the look in your eyes, babe.” Robyn didn’t need to see it. She felt it. That surge to take command—to take Nicki. If only it could make her stay.
“Come here.” Nicki offered her hand to Robyn, who took it and used it for leverage to climb onto the bed. “Not too tired then?” Robyn teased.
“Clearly, you have resourceful ways of keeping me awake.” Robyn tried to do the calculation in her head, but time differences always made her brain freeze. She knew it was late for Nicki’s body though, or early, depending on how you looked upon it.
“After this, you can sleep in my arms. I’ll be by your side all night.” Robyn went a little weak at the knees at the thought of waking up next to Nicki in the morning. Nicki curled her fingers around Robyn’s neck and pulled her in for a kiss. It was oddly exciting to lie on top of her with the dildo taking space between them. It didn’t take long for their kisses to transform into a frenzy of hungrily sucking lips and grazing teeth. Robyn pulled Nicki’s Velvet Underground t-shirt over her head again and quickly disposed of the flower-patterned pink shorts she’d lent her. And then Nicki lay naked in front of her, not for the first time today, but this time couldn’t be more different. Robyn began by kissing every inch of Nicki’s skin. She covered her in soft peck after soft peck, first her neck, then her collarbones and her breasts. She loved taking her time and seeing how
Nicki reacted—mostly by squirming beneath her, her body twitching and her moans encouraging. The woman really did need to work on her patience.
Before assuming her position between Nicki’s legs, she grabbed the bottle of lube from the night stand and took it with her. She’d sat in between Nicki’s legs before—and it was always a deeply erotic and emotional experience—but this time there was an
added bonus in the shape of a dildo.

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