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"I'm sorry if I was too forward last night. I'm usually not, but what with my big revelation and all. I didn't quite feel like myself." Nicki wore a faded black Velvet Underground t-shirt today. She must have a vast collection. Robyn firmly believed her host didn't dress like that back in Britain. That it was as much a defence mechanism and escape from whatever had happened as her exile here. She wouldn't press Nicki for more information, of course-that would obviously never work-but she could gently probe.
"Or maybe you did." Nicki looked at her over the rim of her cup. She really was an expert at fending off questions. "What's on your agenda today?"
"Some time by the pool, on the beach and with my nose in a book." She smiled at the prospect. "Busy times. Love it."
"Excellent choices." Nicki put her cup down. "And just so you know, there are a few good restaurants along the beach and I can arrange for transportation if you want to go into town."
"Thanks. I may venture a few steps to the left or the right, but most part of the day will be spent on my backside in this truly lovely spot."
"If you do decide to venture out, the squid three doors down is to die for."
"Well, I wouldn't go that far..." Robyn grinned stupidly at Nicki. "What does your day look like?" She couldn't remember ever having asked any other of the hotel owners or staff where she'd stayed at. Then again, she'd never come out to any of them on her first night there, either.
"A couple of guests are arriving at noon."
Robyn noticed the spark of disappointment taking root in her stomach at hearing this news. As if she somehow regretted that she wouldn't have Nicki, and her lovely house, all to herself anymore. How selfish. "So I'll be here throughout the day." Nicki winked and it caught Robyn so off guard she nearly choked on her last piece of toast. "In case you need me."
"That's good to know," she managed. And it really was good to know.
Robyn lounged by the pool the rest of the morning. In any other place, she would have plugged in her headphones and escaped the intruding sounds of her surroundings, but here she took comfort in
hearing Nicki scurrying about, talking to the woman who came in to help her and showing the new guests around.
"Dao's making club sandwiches for the new arrivals," Nicki's voice, out of nowhere, beamed behind Robyn a bit past noon.
"Want one?" Robyn had been ignoring the rumbling sounds of her stomach, eager to stay as motionless as possible in the heat.
"I think I'll go try that squid you mentioned earlier." Robyn watched Nicki ponder her response.
"Excellent idea."
Robyn didn't reply, as if waiting for Nicki to continue... or perhaps offer to join. Another pang of disappointment rushed through her at Nicki's matter-of-factness.
"You may want to put on some more sunscreen when you walk along the beach. Enjoy and see you later." She turned on her heels and focused her attention on the other guests. An older couple with, if Robyn had heard correctly, a rather thick Scottish accent.
Feeling somehow stood up-although she couldn't exactly pinpoint why-Robyn had no other choice but to gather her affairs and find the beachside seafood restaurant on her own. Restaurant was a big word for the shack-like structure that displayed its freshly caught wares in a kayak filled with ice under the shade of a palm tree right on the beach. The food was succulent though, and the view breathtaking. Robyn stuffed herself with squid grilled with pepper and garlic, so simple but so heavenly, spicy Thai soup and a huge plate of morning glory. She'd been eating most of her meals alone for weeks on end, but now, all of a sudden, it grated. Some people's company was so much superior to other's. She made her way back to The Red Lodge, which was not, as the name would suggest, painted red on the outside. In fact, the colour red was quite absent for an establishment boasting it in its name. She'd have to ask Nicki about that. Maybe she would even reply. To her disappointment, she didn't immediately spot Nicki upon her return. There was no sign of the Scottish couple either and the Lodge seemed suddenly too deserted. Maybe Robyn had reached her threshold of being alone. Last night, her trip had reached its conclusion when she'd finally said the words to someone. Words so obvious, but somehow so difficult to utter. Until she met Nicki. She dumped her bag on a patio chair, extracted the sunscreen and applied a fresh coat before tip-toeing through the hot sand to the shore line. After a refreshing dive into the lazy waves, she turned her back to the horizon and squinted in the direction of the seemingly empty Lodge. The water was indigo, the sand pearly white. What a place to come out of the closet. But, of course, she knew it was only the beginning. The real work still lay ahead. Braving the disappointment
in her mother's gaze. She could perfectly predict Jasper's flabbergasted reaction as she was sure he didn't have a clue. And was her father ready to employ a lesbian solicitor at his firm? Robyn dipped her head back under water-not too long as not to
miss Nicki's return to the Lodge-and revelled in the fact that she had a few more days of peace and quiet before returning to real life.

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