Chapter Three

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I woke up in a brick cell and I was sore all over. By all over I meant the places where the serums were injected. My neck was also sore. Did he give me all nine serums?

As I get up, I see that the marks that Cally put for the serums were now scarred into my skin. As I got up, I could feel the soreness shot through my body. A man runs over to me and helps me up. His face was covered in burns scars and was wearing a fire safety jacket and a red jumpsuit.

"Whoa there kid, slow your roll. You seemed really ruffed up after Walter threw you in here" "Where's Cally? I need to talk to him!" "The blond headed nutcase? Why would you want that guy?" "The serum, I still don't know what happened!" The man paused. "Did you just say serum?"

Suddenly, the speakers came on as a chilling voice came on. "Hello inmates. This is Freezerburn with a special message. Get your lazy asses up, time for meet and greet." The man helped me get up, even though I was a little wozy. "Alright Clouds, let's go." "What?" "Well you got hair that looks like clouds. C'mon, let's meet the other reformers" As he exited his cell and headed for the stairs, I stopped him. "What's your name?" "Brady, Brady Burn" He smiles and keeps walking.

As I walk down the stairs, the sun is so bright I could hardly see. Or it could just be me. Brady leads me to our "quadrant" for training. It's there I meet my fellow cellmates. Brady grabs my shoulder and guides me through the group. The first person wears a tornup straight jacket with neon orange hair. The strange lightning poles weren't the scariest part about him, it was his terrifyingly crooked smile similar to The Joker. "Hello there pretty. Bet you'd look better after the electric chair. Hehehehe" "Enough Origin. She's as pure as a diamond. Don't ruin her" Brady actual stood right in front of me and protected me from Origin. "You're no fun Brady"

As Origin walks off, I meet the most innocent of young woman I have ever met humming some sort of melody. Her hair was a mix of emerald green and deep blue. Something about her made me feel entranced. "Hello there. My name is Storm" The girl got up and closed a diary she was writing in and turned to me. "Aw nuts not again. I'm Siobhan. Sorry, I have this weird curse thing that makes people fall in love with me because of the music I sing or hum." My head cleared up but she still felt so, entrancing "Sorry, it's been a while since I actually saw a girl like you. By that I mean a beautiful girl like you" Siren looks starts blushing "Thank you." She walks away as Brady walks over. "Looks like someone has a crush" "Me?" "Nah, her. She really wasn't a fan of males under her control"

As Brady walks me closer to a punching bag, Origin and Siobhan stand near a large rock. "Alright Clouds, show me what you got" I got into a fighting position to the punching bag. I was trained to fight like a MMA fighter so I know how to beat up someone up. Roughed up a bully back at school. As I punched the bag, I remember beating the ever loving shit out of him. I did the same to the bag as my hand went right through the bag.

"Holy Shit!" Brady looked like he just saw a fatality in Mortal Kombat as Origin looks like he just saw the Hulk beat up Loki, and Siobhan looked aroused by the action. I took my arm out of the bag as the x on my arm changed to a tattoo of the word Strength.

I wonder about what happened all the way to my cell. Everyone that saw it followed me right to it as well. "Don't you guys have separate cells?" "Goldz wanted the people who wanted to reform to stay in the same cell. But assigned rooms for the boys and girls. Y'know to avoid, in Goldz words, 'Intercourse'" Origin snickered "Unless your a lesbian" "Wow, that went a bit far. Don't be taking shots like that." Brady made sure Origin was in his place.

Siobhan got closer to me as we headed our room. There was a bag full of clothes for me on a bunk bed. Siobhan smiled as she pulled out a pile of books. "What's that?" "James Patterson" She pulls a secret pile of books from behind her bunk "And romance novels that will instantly turn you on" "I like a challenge" Siobhan chuckled as I sat in my bed. She sat neck to me and inches closer to me. "What are you doing?" "Body heat. It gets really cold in here. You need PJs?" I smiled at the offer "No thanks. I don't where PJs. Thanks for the offer" Siobhan looks like very excited. "What is it?" "Wanna see something cool? It's a girls only party!" I reluctantly obliged and she lead me to a secret door as I found a myself in a party club full of female prisoners and they are partying like crazy. This is what I'm talking about!

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