Three Pt. 2

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So in this one-shot, it is about how bakugou tells them about his OCD. 

By the way, bakugou is back on his meds and has most of his OCD under control. 


1.  Iida 

They were in bed cuddling when iida remembered how strange bakugou was acting all next week. 

"Hey bakugou why were you acting so unlike yourself last week," Iida said 

Bakugou was silent for a few minutes then he realized that at some point he was going to need to tell Iida especially if he wanted to be with him. 

"I-i have OCD" Bakugou stuttered out nervously 

Bakugou was preparing for all sorts of negative circumstances the only thing he wasn't prepared for was the positive outcome. 

"Omg that makes so much more sense," Iida said 

"Uh," Bakugou said startled 

"I mean the taping your finger in class at a certain pace and if I think back I think it was always three times and then a pause. You also always seemed frustrated and I always in our head" Iida said 

Bakugou just looked up at Iida and stared at him in shock. Every person he has ever told has always thought of him as less whether it be weaker or less smart. Either way, he has never had a positive outcome which was one of the reasons why he never told deku. 

"Haha why do you look so shocked," iida said looking down at Bakugou.  

Bakugou moved as much closer to Iida as he could and stuck his head into his neck. Bakugou could feel tears on the edge of his eyes ready to fall down his cheeks and this time he was so happy that he let them fall. 

"I-i didn't think you would u-understand," Bakugou said through his happy sobs

"Katsuki Nothing has changed it just now I know you have OCD, it not like it just showed up when you told me," Iida said 

Bakugou smiled into Iida's neck. 

"But even though it isn't going to change anything we still  need to tell Aizawa in case you run out of pills because I am going to guess that is what happened last week," Iida said 

"Ok," Bakugou said he knew Iida was right and that Aizawa had to know.


2. Aizawa 

Bakugou was pacing outside of the teachers lounge while Iida watched him pace. 

"Can you calm down i promise nothing is going to happen" Iida said 

"What if he doesn't let me continue in the hero course" Bakugou said 

"Aizawa is not like that" Iida said 

Bakugou was about to say something else when the door opened. 

"Bakugou what did you need to say," Aizawa said leaving the door open so bakugou could come into the teacher's lounge to talk. 

"I hope you don't mind that the other teachers are here too," Aizawa said 

Bakugou gulped now even more nervous than before but nodded his head signaling to Aizawa that it was ok because he knew either way the other teaches would find out. 

Aizawa sat down in one of the chairs in the lounge and pointed for bakugou and iida to sit down on the couch in front of him. 

"So what would you like to talk about," Aizawa said 

Bakugou looked to iida for courage and iida moved closer to bakugou and hugged his side. 

"Apparently iida says I need to tell you or whatever" Bakugou started looking towards the window trying not to show that he was upset but Aizawa could tell bakugou was upset in fact everybody in the room could tell by the way bakugou wouldn't meet anybody's eyes even though he was trying to act confidently in the way he was talking and trying to hold himself. 

"So I guess i have to tell you" Bakugou gulped before he continued " I have OCD" 

Aizawa just continued staring at bakugou until he let a small smile come onto his face. 

"I had my suspicions, during the interview thing we did a week ago I saw how you tapped your finger and you did the same thing in class," Aizawa said 

"yeah that was the week that I ran out of my pills which is why iida told me to tell you about my OCD" 

"Ok that is a smart reason that you had to tell me and we are going to have to make sure that you don't run out of pills again," Aizawa said 

The rest of the time that bakugou was in the room the rest of the teachers agreed how this wouldn't change anything and if bakugou shed a few tears well that's between the people in that room. 



let me know if you want me to do a one-shot where bakugou tells class 1a about his OCD in the comments. 

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