Chapter 1: Newbie

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Just a little reminder this is yaoi and there will be hardcore later on. Don't hate, this is my first and I will be a little slow on updating but I'll try my best! And its short because I'm not sure how good it is and send feedback!! but ENJOY!~ ^-^


The Uchiha was making his way to his first class, hoping the girls behind him would stop following. Eventually the bell rang and they left. He let out a grumble and slid the door open. He was about to walk in when he noticed the whole class go dead silent and look at him in unison. He ignored it and made his way to an empty seat behind the class, next to the door. (nope not window he isn't the main character) After he sat, the room went back to being loud and noisy. Where was the teacher anyways?

He rested his chin on his palm and could clearly hear the girls behind him giggle.

"Just talk to him, Sakura," Said one of the girls.

"But, Ino, what if he already has a girlfriend?" She told her friend.

"Just go!"

Sasuke pretended he didn't hear and kept his eyes on the front of the classroom. "Um...H-Hi I'm Sakura." The girl said smiling.

"Hm-" Was all he managed to say.

"What's yours?" She asked, more confidence in her voice.

Sasuke looked at her, her emerald eyes gleamed and her soft pink hair tucked neatly behind her ear. She was pretty, though Sasuke wasn't looking for anyone right now.

Before he could reject her coldly, there was a slam behind him. Like someone was trying to break the door.

"Gah! I'm here!" A raspy loud voice said. Sakura flipped her head over and frowned. Her innocent tone went intensely angerier.

"Naruto! You can't just slam the door like that! You'll break it! You're lucky Kakashi Sensei isn't here to mark you tardy for the tenth time." She crossed her arms across her surprisingly flat chest and huffed.

He tittered, "Sorry, Sakura..." Then his gaze fell upon the newbie. He narrowed his eyes, wondering if he knew that person or not. He went over to the empty seat in front of him and turned around.

" I know you?" He asked bluntly.

Sasuke arched a dark brow and glowered deeply into the spiky blonde's cerulean orbs. Naruto closed his eyes and a bead of sweat ran down his temple. Was he scared of the guy? No...Not Naruto Uzumaki!

"Naruto, don't be an idiot. He's new!" The pinkette said.

"Oh! Hi! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" He gave him a sheepish grin.

Sasuke rolled his eyes until the teacher stood before the class.

"Ah-ah! Sorry I'm late. I was helping an old lady with her-"

"-Forget it, Sensei! You're excuses are so old, they're not even funny anymore!" Naruto hollered.

Kakashi sighed, "Right..." He cleared his throat and picked up a small literature book. "Now, let's review the lesson from yesterday. Turn to page 227 in your lit. books." Kakashi continued to talk while Sasuke thought about the blonde in front of him. He was so loud, but somehow it didn't bother him.


At lunch break, Sasuke went out to the roof. He prefered to be alone to think when he ate. As soon as sat down on the bench, he could hear laughing and yelling. The young Uchiha ignored it but it was hard due to the fact that it was nearby.

"Where's that determination now, huh, Uzumaki!" mocked a hoarse voice.

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched as he set his bento down and walked over to the rail. Below he noticed four males. Three of them were Seniors from the uniform and the other was the loud kid from Japanese Literature.

"I said I wasn't going to give you anything." He retorted, wiping his bloody lip.

Sasuke's brows furrowed. He knew the blonde had no chance against the three. They looked more like criminals rather than highschool students.

"That right?" The taller one hunched over Naruto, who was sitting helplessly on the grass.

Sasuke had enough and began dashed towards the exit. He didn't care that his food was left behind.

"I said leave me alone!" Naruto stood up weakly but steadly and sent him a punch in the jaw. That earned Naruto a kick on his side from the senior's companion. He fell on his side and grasped his shirt. A few coughs escaped his dry lips.

"You little-" He cupped his cheek and was about to kick Naruto once more until he felt someone tug on his collar and throw him back. He stumbled and blinked a bit to process in his head what had just happened.

Naruto's eyes shut tightly but slowly opened one good eye, seeing as he didn't feel the kick and glanced up at a tall figure. It took him awhile to adjust until he found himself getting blurred vision and then...darkness.

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