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He's dead

Jessica tried to shut the words resounding in her head. She stood silent for the rest of the journey to New York. She couldn't talk. She couldn't believe what she'd been told. 

Peter is dead

She needed to know, to see how it had happened. It felt surreal, just as when he disintegrated with the blip. She had convinced herself she didn't care about the boy, but she had lied to herself. She wouldn't handle loosing him again. More thoughts intruded her mind and she squished her eyes shut to get them out.

Is he dead?

What happened?


Sooner than she realised, they had arrived in New York. She was forced out of the quinjet to see they had landed in the roof of SHIELD's headquarters. She followed the three agents around, without objecting. She had no strength to do so, after the news she had been given. 

"I see you've already met." Nick Fury greeted the group. He sounded as usual, which was a relief for Jessica because she had expected a long suppressed scold. Maria Hill stood next to him, not saying a word as she watched them come into the room. "You should feel lucky, Stark. I haven't met many heroes whose parents are still alive."

She turned to the one-eyed agent in bewilderment. "What?"

"Yeah, Fury..." Mark stepped closer to Jessica, trying to get a peek at her reaction. "She didn't know."

"So?" Fury scoffed. Then turned to Jessica again. "Don't make a big deal out of it. Kid, that's your mother. Now, let's get to work."

She looked at the woman who had brought her here. Apparently, in more ways than one. She didn't look back, and seemed to be hiding behind the Winter Soldier. Now she wasn't as tough as she had presented herself before. 

"I suppose you're up to date." Fury said as he turned on the monitors in the front of the room. He gestured Jessica to sit down, and she took the place next to Mark. "Parker is not with us anymore and after what's happened with Maximoff, I'm gonna keep an eye on every enhanced individual I have knowledge of."

"What's happened with Maximoff?" That wasn't the only thing she wanted to ask. What's happened with Peter? But she was too scared of the answer. She hadn't liked how unaffectedly Fury had talked about his late coworker. Then again, Jessica had learned not to answer Nick Fury impertinently. 

"She hasn't been following the news." Mark reminded Fury, the same way he had reminded the couple in the quinjet.

"Wanda was so devastated by the death of her partner that she created a reality from her own subconscious." Hill explained as she display a few pictures in the monitors. Jessica saw a whole town surrounded by an energy field. It looked similar to the ones she could make, but this one was bigger and had a darker colour. 

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