Chapter tweleve: Asking Ino and Hinata out

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Sakura point of veiw ~ It's been a few weeks since the end of the chunin exams. All of us passed and we are now chunin. It was almost time for my brothers and I to leave for our three year training trip. And seeing as the clan kids are going to be busy with there clans it will be the perfect time for my brothers and I to leave.

But we wanted to ask our mates our first and mark them as well. We aren't going to have sex with them. Only mark them as our mates. The mate mark will insure that they stay loyal to us and we stay loyal to them as well. And they will be able to sense our presence when we are near so it works out.

"H-Hey S-Sakura"Hinata said "Hi Hinata and Ino are you two ready"I asked "yeah so where are we going"Ino asked "it's a surprise"I said "ugh fine"Ino said as she stood on my left and hinata stood on my right.

"So how is clan training going"I asked "M-My d-dad is thinking about m-making my younger clan head"Hinata said "really why"I asked "h-he thinks that I won't m-make a g-good clan h-head because I'm to t-timid" hinata said "I think you will be a good clan head. You are very strong and a good fighter. You just need to get over your fear of fighting and people"Ino said

"Y-you think I'm a-strong"hinata asked "yeah your strong. And you are going to be a good clan head"I said "if you want help in overcoming your shyness I will help you"Ino said "t-thank you"hinata said and Ino smiled. We then reached where I wanted to bring them. It was a field filled with different flowers.

"This place is so pretty"Ino said "I-is this a-a d-date"hinata asked pointing to the picnic "technically yes it is"I said taking both their hands and dragging them to the picnic spot.

"You want to date both of us"Ino asked "I mean yeah I like the both of you equally. Plus the both of you are my mates"I said "mates"they asked confused "it's like a soulmate. Since I have my moms instincts and traits from when she was sealed into me I have a mate. Well I'm this case I have two. Which are the both of you. So do you two want to be my girlfriends"I said

"Yes"they both said tackling me to the ground "good but there is something I need to tell you"I said "what is it"they both asked sitting up "I'm leaving for the next three years. But I promise to keep in contact with you through letters"I said

"So your leaving the village for a few years"Ino asked "yeah but I promise to stay loyal to the both of you"I said "how do we know that"hinata asked "which brings me to my next point can I mark you two"I asked "mark"they both asked confused.

"It's kind like a tattoo that will appear on your body. With the mark you will be able to sense when I am near. I can sense when you are in serious danger and I will appear where you are. I will be able to tell if you cheat on me and you will be able to tell if I cheat on you"I said "okay you can mark us"they both said making me smile "where do you want your marks"I asked "thighs that way our parents can't see them"Ino said

I bit Ino first on her right thigh then I bit hinata on her left thigh. On their thighs were a wolf. On my back was a wolf. "They look so pretty"Ino said "h-hey d-do have wolf ears and a tail"hinata asked "yes I do"I said dropping the henge and they immediately started to pet my tail.

Yeah I'm happy now. We spent the rest of the afternoon taking and eating. We ended up watching the sunset and I walked the both of them home. Then I headed home and immediately crashed. What an eventful day.

End of chapter

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