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"Watch where you're going!"

He frowned at the tone of her voice. Looking at the hooded figure from the corner of his eyes. His eyes widened when a metal pipe came flying straight towards him. Stumbling back as he placed his arms in front of him. Hoping that it will stop the force, but he was met with none. Opening his eyes. He was stunned when the figure blocked it.

"Told you." She spat out, " If only you listened."


A sleep-deprived Hero accidentally bumped into an introvert. It was just an accident, but one saved the other that day. She was a wanted criminal and he failed to notice that. If only he had caught her earlier, things would not escalate as far as it did. When he noticed who she was, he was too late as she had already disappeared into the night. They never thought they'll see each other again. But faith proved them wrong. But was loving her wrong too?


⚠️Story might contain (Warnings)⚠️


Smut (Maybe?)

Harsh Language

Our favorite Sleepy Head Jr.

- Remember that Shinsou is aged up. He is 18+ in this story. He is a ADULT. Just to clear up any confusions.

- To make things more interesting the league of villains will still exist in this time frame.

A few more things before we start:

- If you leave hate messages my followers will back me up. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

- And please try not to be a silent reader. I want to hear your opinions. Thank you for reading 'Visceral Feelings'. I hope you enjoy the story.

Visceral Feelings  - Adult!Shinsou X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now