Curiousity Killed The Cat

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     The clicking of the pen, the tapping of his shoes. His hair slicked back, but fairly messed up with his fingers entangled in his hair. His eye bags were getting worst each passing day. He couldn't focus on his work, his attention span getting cut short.

The man was only thinking about the woman he delivered home yesterday. Why did she look so familiar? He couldn't put a finger on it. It had worried him all day long, that he couldn't even stop and take a break. Everyone was worried about him. Even though he always seems out of it, there was a clear difference between yesterday and today.

"What got you stressing son?"

"Aizawa." He was taken aback at his mentor's sudden appearance. "When did you get here?"

"I got a call from one of your workers saying that you didn't look well. So I rushed over here." The purple haired male glared at his assistant. His assistant grimaced at his glare and looked away from his eyes. "Don't look at him like that. He was look out for you."

Shinsou rolled his eyes in annoyance. But he secretly felt grateful that his coworker cared so much about him. He hummed, composing himself and steering away from his mushy thoughts. It wasn't time to think about this.

"Nothing much." He accepted the coffee that Aizawa had offered. Taking a sip of the Luke warm drink. "I just kept thinking back to yesterday night. Where I saw this girl-" Aizawa perked up, "No not like that. It was just that she looked so familiar. But I can't just pinpoint where I had saw her from."

"Curious that much? She even stopped you from working."

"I told you. It's not like that."

The black haired male can only shrug his shoulder at his words. For all he knows, his words could be laced with lies. "Well, get back to work. And you said you walked her home. So after work just go back to her house and ask for her number or something." He climbed onto the sofa, lying down. "Made me run here for no reason."

The younger male thought long and hard about his idea. It wasn't too bad but there was just one problem.

"Isn't it intruding if I appeared back at her house again?" He muttered under his breath, "What if she thinks I'm a stalker? What will the press think about this."

Aizawa sighed at his worried student, "So young."

And with that he closed his eyes so he could fall into peaceful slumber. Letting the younger male figure out this situation himself. Shinsou on the other hand was trying to find a solid plan. He was thinking into  this too much, or maybe he wasn't. The male didn't know what to do anymore. Combing his fingers through his messy hair, he keep tugging on it with both of his hands as he fell into deep thoughts.

"What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?!" He repeated these words over and over and over again. He was clearly lost and his mentor wasn't even here to guide him. The man was too busy sleeping on the couch and could care less about him. "I give up."

He slumped over the table, almost knocking his coffee over. It felt like he was playing mind games with himself. Everything came like a blur to him. He couldn't form a proper thought, not even a sentence. These thoughts were tiring him out for sure.

"Shinsou, why don't you just go in the middle of the night?" His assistant asked, giving him an idea. "Just dress differently from what you usually wear and you'll be just fine."

"I guess your right."

He still could bring himself to lift his head and get back to work again. He needed a nice nap to get his head clear. The assistance watched silently as Shinsou got up from his desk to climb into his other couch to take a quick nap. It didn't dumbstruck him anymore, he was used to his awful habits.

"I'll wake you up at one." The assistant stepped out of the room and shut the big doors behind him. "He better wake up."


To the assistant's disarray. One call did not wake his boss up, instead he was pretty sure the male had fell into deeper slumber than being stirred awake. He was annoyed for having to do this every time he decides to take a nap. He had furrowed his brows together, with a cup of cold water in his hands that he had just filled up in the sink. He dumped it on him.

The purple haired man yelp, it was barely audible. But it was still there, jumping up from the couch. He gritted his teeth, the feeling of the cold liquid trailing down from his face to his chest. It didn't feel good against his already cold body. The assistant managed to grab a extra T-shirt for him before he spilled the water. He passed it over and chuckled nervously at his wrong doings.

"Sorry?" He squeaked out from behind the desk. "But boss I kept calling your name. But you never wake up no matter how loud I am!"

Shinsou wiped his wet hands on his already wet T-shirt. Grabbing it by the hem, he peeled it off his wet skin. It revealed a built body, chiseled and perfected. Just like a Greek god, that was the only way someone could describe it. He ran his hands on his chest and yawned. His usually gel back hair was now in shambles. Puffy and messy from all the turning and tossing from his sleep. At least his dark eye bags were a bit lighter after his well need nap.

"Has your mind clear up, boss?"

The man sighed and combed his hair back with his fingers. Still half asleep, if it wasn't for his assistant's constant muttering, he would've fallen back asleep again. He shook his head around and tried to shake himself awake.

"A bit." He yawned again, "I think I'll just go after I finish some work."

The assistant's lips curved up into a smile at how his boss had mentioned something about going back to work. Maybe he should've let him sleep more, so he could've done more work.

"Finally back to work son. No more thoughts about that girl?"

"Shut up."


The sound of boots clacking with each step, a small shiver was sent down his spine. He shook from nervousness, he couldn't control it either. It was uncontrollable, the way he shook, he couldn't find a way to stop it.

Groaning, he decided that he'll have to do it now or he was never going to do it. Pulling his hood down even more to cover his purple eyes, he also tucked his hair in safe and sound. Hopefully the paparazzi's wouldn't find him in the middle of the night like this.
In front of someone else's door. The thought already gave him shivers.

He knocked on the door, three times, that's all he did. But nothing happened. No one answered the door. He tried to open the glass door and found it odd that a apartment complex like a skyscraper had its lobby door locked.

His purple eyes scanned around. He peered in as he muttered something under his breath. He couldn't see anything since it was so dark inside. The man cleared his throat, raising his arms up with his balled up hands. Before he was about the swing, he stopped himself and shook his head. Clicking his tongue and walked away from the building.

It'll be breaking in if he did that right now.

On top of the skyscraper, there sat the girl. She stared at him intently with the thirst to kill. But she also had to refrain herself to make any rushed decisions that she might end up regretting it later.
She leaned her cheeks on the palms of her hands, grinning wildly at her imagination.

"Curiosity killed the cat."

Visceral Feelings  - Adult!Shinsou X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now