A Long Chase

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He felt like his heart was about to stop at the mention of their name. Purple eyes flickering to the caller ID, he was wrong it wasn't his sister but his assistant calling him. The male started running, where? He didn't know himself, he just waited for his assistant's directions.

"Turn right and go straight down. Keep your eyes on the rooftops." The assistant directed, voice stern. "They'll be most likely running from police up there."

Shinsou hummed and kept on running down the street. He felt bad that he'll have to miss his dinner party with his family. The man had even promised Eri that he'll attend, but he guessed he couldn't now. He made a mental reminder to call Eri and apologize to her repeatedly until she forgives him. Hopefully she will after a few trips to the ice cream parlor.

In the mist of being trapped in his own thoughts. His dark eyes flickered at the rooftop to catch a figure that he'll always see in newspapers and news. He never thought he'll see them with his own eyes in real life. He gulped, gathering up the courage to go after them. After all no one had made it this close to them like he is.

Pushing off his toes and swinging his gear in his other hand, he quickly zipped up onto the roof. Where he was getting closer to the person. He started sprinting to them with confidence that he'll be the one to end them.

He threw the grey figure out and yanked it back. It dragged the figure towards him, but it felt awfully weird to see them not resist towards the pull. Their dark eyes met his. They used the momentum from the pull and picked up their feet. Letting the air guide them for now. The figure kicked against the floor, the force pushing them up, high in the air.

Their body rotated up and over. They could see the whole world from up there, everything seemed so small. It almost felt like flying, though it was nice and all they remembered that they were being chased down right now. The soles of their boots skied down the concrete ground. Dust and dirt trailing behind them as they kept running away from the purple haired male.

Shinsou stared at them with confusion written all over his face. Did his reflexes suddenly disappear? If not then why was he reacting so slower. He felt like he couldn't even do the bare minimum. But there was no time for him to sulk and look depressed and all. He could possibly chase them down and catch up to them again.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes. The man felt tired again as he rubbed his dark eye bags. Eyes twitching every other second, distracting him from his target. Shinsou furrowed his brow, unintentionally rolling his eyes and huffed. But yet, he still continued his chase. They were so close but yet so far. But even with such reassuring words he didn't know he If could do it.

His legs hurts from running all day, eyes are all sad and drippy. Adding onto the ongoing list of problems, he haven't had anything to eat all day. Which was also why he was so stoked for the dinner party. Since all he ate after he moved out was ramen noddles and nothing else. He couldn't help but feel a little upset that he couldn't hang out with his favorite niece and nephew too. But oh well, he'll make it up for both of them somehow.

Huffing and puffing, his legs felt weak like pudding. Jelly like, his legs were tired from all the consistent running. He couldn't even see them anymore, they had disappeared from his view. He had no idea how someone could run as fast as them. What kind of training did they receive to flee like this. No mentioning how sharp they were, their reflexes were extraordinary too.

Bent over, he gasped for air. Huffing and puffing with his hands over his knees. He didn't want to look up, he didn't want to accept the fact that they had escaped his grasp. The male sighed, feeling defeated as he plopped himself onto the floor and crossed his arms.

"Dear god. I didn't catch her and I missed the dinner." He buried his face into the palms of his hands, "What am I doing?"

He jumped at the sound of his phone ringing. Reaching down into the depth of his pockets and fished out his phone that vibrates in his hands. The male picked it up and placed it next to his ears, sighing as he listens to his niece's worried voice. She asked where he was and why he didn't come. He could only listen silently to her rambling, the feel of guilt eating him up.

"Sorry Eri. I couldn't come because I was called to catch someone while I was on the way to dinner." He mumbled under his breath quietly, "I promise. I didn't ditch out on purpose this time."

The man could hear her defeated sigh, he knew she was truly upset at him now. Eri decided to be the bigger person and forgive the poor male this time. Shinsou heard voices in the background and shuffling noises before he heard his niece's voice again.

"Well, are you busy now?" She asked, "Why don't  you come over for desert."

Shinsou smiled and nodded his head forgetting that she couldn't see him right now. He kept nodding until she spoke again.

"Alright. I'm coming over now."

"You better hurry Uncle."

He chuckled at her voice, he could already see the pout on her face as she talked to him. The male stood up after he caught his breath for the marathon he ran and hanged up the phone. He climbed down from the rooftop to the streets again, now walking among the commoners. Tucking his hands into his pockets for warmth as he walked.

He was headed straight to his sister's house.

"Thank god."

She breath out, her heart pounding against her chest. Adrenaline still pumping in her veins, she kept her eyes on the purple haired man. Her legs trembled, worn out. The fresh breeze blew her hair back away from her face. Sighing, she edged herself down to the floor of the roof to star at the night sky.

"He really ran after me like a tiger." Her lungs no longer closed up and her shortness of breath gone. "Man, I wouldn't know what I'll do if he caught me. He sure can run." She closed her eyes, the feeling of relaxation rushing over her after the long chase.

"Seems like you almost got caught."

The lady didn't flinch at the sound of his voice that came directly behind her. She already knew he was going to come after her. Peeling one of her eyes open, she looked up into his eyes and frowned at his annoying face. Tossing the bag of jewels over at him, which he caught perfectly. She held her hand up towards him and pouted at how he was smirking at her.

"Shut up and take me home."

Visceral Feelings  - Adult!Shinsou X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now