14: Hurt

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Mando POV

I groan in pain as soon as I find consciousness. My head spins, stomach is queasy, and my shoulder aches. A warm little body is curled up against me, her arm flung over my stomach and leg tangled with mine. She sighs as I stir.

"You snore on your back." Her voice is quiet and full of groggy sleep.

"Well, I'm old. That's what happens." My voice sounds the same as hers.

Her breath tickles my chest as she chuckles through her nose. I squeeze her tighter to me, her warmth reviving me a little. But the headache and throbbing in my shoulder is hard to ignore. Her hand slides up my chest, but rests on my peck, just below the bacta patch which is probably done doing its work. It's too bad I can't just move it over to the other side of the wound.

"I'd like to look at your wound." She says in a hesitant voice.

Hesitant? After she snapped at me last night? I'll never forget the flash of her eyes and the way she swatted my hand away, her voice hard and demanding.

"It's not bleeding, it's fine." I can almost see it when I look down. It hurts where the butterfly bandages are, but the wound is closed. And clean.

"I just want to make sure I did a good job." Her voice turns nervous. "You have bounties to catch. I can't have you bleeding and in pain out there."

Her possessive words make my queasy stomach worse and I don't know why. I rub my hand up and down her warm arm, feeling goosebumps grow on her skin. "Okay, you can look. Later."

"Thank you." she settles back into my chest.

Her warm body makes my skin warm and tingly... like last night, only not nearly as strong as it was then. I feel like shit compared to how I felt on that alcohol. Her voice and warmth and touch were just too much to handle. I remember everything I said. I thought when I opened up about the kid that she would want to leave. She would see how unsafe she is with me. And I remember everything she said too. And how her body felt against mine.

I was lucky to have her here last night. It would have been next to impossible to close the wound by myself before passing out. I should tell her... "Thank you for your help."

I can feel her smile against my chest. "You're welcome. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." I chuckle, trying not to bounce her head.

But she laughs too. "Yeah, me too."

I grab her chin, lifting her face to look. I wish I could see her eyes. Instead, I lean down as she lifts up, and our lips connect. Her hand starts to roam my chest right away, slowly making its way down my stomach. Her lips part, letting me taste her as her hips push forward automatically. I make to grab her and pull her on top of me, but my shoulder has other ideas. Flexing the muscle makes me grunt with pain.

She responds to my wince by pulling away from my face, but her lips don't leave my skin. "Let me take care of you...make you feel good."

But, no. She's the one who saved me last night. And I couldn't even make her cum a second time. She should be sitting on my face right now. But I can't say no to her pleading voice. That seems obvious to me, but I don't think she has figured it out yet. Or if she has, she chooses not to take advantage of it. I can almost picture us up in a high-rise resort on some fancy planet, something expensive draping perfectly over her frame as she floats around eating gourmet food and dancing under chandeliers. If she ever got the courage to ask... I'm not even sure if she would enjoy something like that for a night or two.

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