Part 3

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Walking into her dorm, Sky was greeted with Sunny and Poppy waiting for her on the couch, going over photos they had all taken earlier that night, until they noticed Skyler.

"Sky! How'd it- woah, are you okay?"

"What happened?"

Skyler took a sharp breath.

"She...she hated our date. I knew she would; it was awful!"

Skyler sat herself in between Sunny and Poppy, who had made space for her between themselves.

"Oh Sky, I'm so sorry-"

"That doesn't sound like Ruby at all."

Poppy and Skyler turned to Sunny, as she continued,

"That's what she said to you??"

"About me, but yeah, basically, look the point is, she hated it, but she probably doesn't hate me too much for it so I think I still have a chance."

Poppy gave her a puzzled look.

"A chance to-"

"To go on another date! A real first date. I know exactly what she's looking for, and, if I do everything right, a-and give her a genuine apology about tonight, I'll still have a shot!"

"Woo! Go Sky! You won't give up and that determination is something Ruby's gonna be so impressed by!"

"I still think you're blowing this all out of proportion, Sky. I mean, you didn't even plan on going out with Ruby tonight so-"

Skyler cut her off.

"So that's why I think I'll have a shot! I was unprepared, but, I mean, that isn't all my fault. I could've handled things differently, but I won't let her down again! Never again!"


Poppy and Sunny looked at each other and nodded, and Poppy placed a reassuring hand on Skyler's shoulder, Sunny following in suit.

"we'll support you all the way Sky, just tell us what you need."

"I can take care it of myself, but what I need you two to do is help me avoid Ruby until Monday when enough time has passed that she isn't going to be so upset; I can't do this when it's all too early, but I can't wait too long either."

The two girls spoke in unison,

"Got it!"

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