A time for goodbye.

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Harry heaved a sigh of relief. It was finally over and he would be leaving Hogwarts for the last time. He felt saddened at the same time though. This place had felt like home to him these past seven years. Which was more than he could say about the ruddy little shack the Dursley's called a home. Yet he was leaving. He was now a fully trained wizard and it was time to start a new life. He would just have to make a quick stop at the Dursley's to pick up his remaining belongings, not that he had left much behind. He more enjoyed the idea of making them squirm one last time and oh how good it was going to feel to be rid of those horrible muggles once and for all.

Harry allowed himself a small smile as he relished that last thought, when he got a rather harsh thump to his arm.

"OW!" Harry growled. "OI Ron, could you possibly be anymore clumsy? What's gotten into you?"

"Sorry Harry, excited I guess." Ron blushed as he finished clamoring into the carriage.

He had settled beside Harry just as Ginny and Hermione entered.

"This is going to be brilliant!" Ron said gleefully, rubbing his hands together like a child that had just been set loose in Honeydukes.

"Maybe for you." Ginny harrumphed, crossing her arms.

"Don't worry Gin, it'll be over before you realize." Hermione encouraged, "And in the mean time I can find us an apartment close to the boys."

"It's just not going to be the same without you guys." Ginny pouted. "I'll be all alone with no one to talk to all next year."

"That's not true, you'll still have Colin." Ron pointed out.

Ginny shot Ron a glare that could have killed. "Oh yes and he'll be such a bloody wonderful conversationalist now won't he?"

She screwed her face into a perfect version of the look Colin Creevey always had whenever he looked at or talked about Harry.

"Oh Harry's so brave, Harry's so smart, Harry, Harry, Harry!"

"OI! Now I know it can't be that bad!" Harry grimaced.

Ginny turned to him. "Harry, I love you. Merlin knows I do." She looked at him sweetly. "But if I have to hear one more bloody thing about you from that boy's mouth I'll go totally nutters!"

The others chuckled.

The carriages began to move.

"So, got any plans for when we reach London Harry?" Ron asked. "You've been awfully tight lipped."

"I'm just going to get my things from the Dursley's, then I'll meet you at the Burrow." He explained.

"Are you sure that's wise?" Ginny paled.

"Yes mate. You sure that you don't want one of us to come with you?" Ron asked anxiously.

"No Ron, I'll be fine." Harry told him. "There's not much to get and I can aparate to the Burrow from my old bedroom."

"Alright then, we'll take your trunk with us to keep you from having to heave it with you." Ron beamed. "Mum and dad won't mind."

Harry smiled. "Thanks mate. But I think it's best if I just take them with me."

"Suit your self." Ron shrugged.

"We're here!" Hermione sang.

The carriages came to a halt at the Hogwarts express and as everyone got out Harry's scar began to burn.

"OW!" Harry clasped his hand to his forehead.

An image flashed before his eyes of a small pudgy man, on his knee's sobbing and pleading for his life.

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