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"So, where is the little tyke?" Naya beamed as she entered the door to the Potter home.

"Asleep." Lily smiled. "Would you like to see him?"

"Oh yes!" Naya smiled if at all possible, more and followed Lily up the stairs with a call back of. "Coming Harry?"

"Now you know I can't Naya." He glared at her.

Naya chuckled and blew a kiss back at him as she continued to follow Lily up to the baby room.

"Why can't you?" James shot a glance at him.

"Oh um." Harry coughed and smiled weakly. "I have a cold and don't want to get him sick." He said quickly.

"Again? You seem to get them often." James chuckled. "Might want to do something about that mate."

"Uh, Yes I suppose I should." Harry smiled.

"So what drink can I get you mate? Scotch, Bourbon?" James moved towards the small bar he kept for visitors.

"Scotch please on rocks." Harry said as he removed his coat.

"Naya's getting pretty big there." James commented as he poured the drink. "How far along is she now?"

"Almost four months." Harry told him.

"Wow, are you sure? She looks farther along then that. I mean Lil's was as big as she is in her seventh month." James looked at Harry in surprise.

"Yes, the Doctor measured the time from her last period. Next Monday she will be four months." Harry nodded as he accepted the drink James handed him.

That moment the girls returned from visiting baby Harry. Naya had a mischievous gleam in her eye as she sat down beside her husband.

"You sure you don't want to see him honey? He's so cute!" She taunted him.

"Yes Naya, I'm sure." Harry grumpily replied.

"But it can't hurt to see him just once." Naya continued.

"Naya!" Harry warned.

"Oh come on love, just once?" She beamed at him.

"NO!" Harry practically yelled.

Lily burst into laughter and James looked at him in confusion.

"Sorry, she just really likes to try me." Harry blushed.

"I know exactly what you mean mate." James chuckled, then felt a sharp whack to his arm. "OW! What?" he turned to his wife.

"Do you want to sleep on the couch again James?" Lily glared.

"No." James blushed.

"Then I suggest you behave." Lily shook her finger at him.

"Yes love." James turned his attention to his own drink.

"So, Naya." Lily turned back to her friend. "Have you and Harry thought about names?"

"Actually yes. If it's a boy we want to name him Malakai James and if it's a girl it'll be Meagan Lilian." She told Lily.

"Wow. We are honored." James blurted.

"What do you mean?" Naya Looked at him oddly.

"That you would name your kid after one of us." James stated.

"Um, well actually my favorite Uncle is named James and my great grand mother was Lilian. So we're actually naming them for them." Naya corrected him.

"Oh." James blushed and turned back to his drink.

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