The Intrusion

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As soon as the Hogwarts express came to a stop in Hogsmead Harry and the others debarked and made their way towards the carriages when a voice stopped them.

"Harry." Dumbledore was standing at the door of a carriage beckoning Harry to come his way. "Would you ride with me Harry?"

Harry looked back at the others and shrugged. "Yes sir." He said as he entered the carriage and as soon as Dumbledore got in and closed the carriage door the carriage jerked forward at a faster than normal pace.

"I wanted to get us there before the other students arrived so this carriage is set to move faster than the others." Dumbledore explained seeing Harry's perplexed look.

:"I see." Harry nodded.

"Now Harry, I am going to tell the students that we sorted you in private seeing that you are a transfer student and all. Also." Dumbledore sighed. "I don't suppose you could tell me more about this mission of yours could you?"

Harry shook his head. "I have told you all I can without compromising it sir." He told him simply.

"Harry I must ask you, How can I be truly sure that you are not the spy?" Dumbledore gave him a penetrating gaze.

Harry nodded. "I understand sir, give me Veritaserum if you must." He held out his arms imploringly. "I have nothing to hide and I am an open book sir. I have no reason to lie to you."

This seemed to satisfy Dumbledore for the moment. "Very well. I have secured you a room at the top of the Gryffindor tower and you are welcome to put any wards on the room that will warn you of intruders, but not harm them. I have already placed a few on the room myself to let me know when some one enters the room without permission." He told Harry.

Harry also read in his words that they were to keep a close check on him as well, just in case.

"Very well sir." Harry nodded and smiled.

Just then the carriage stopped and they were in front of Hogwarts. Harry sighed as Dumbledore opened the door and they both got out of the carriage. They entered the school and Harry took his place at the Gryffindor table to await the other students. As soon as the others arrived they all looked a little surprised to see Harry sitting there. He heard whispers as they passed by him and went to their own tables. Sirius and the others came into the great hall and stopped in their tracks as they saw Harry sitting at the Gryffindor table.

They got over the initial shock and went to sit down.

"What are you doing at our table?" Sirius blurted as soon as they were seated.

"This is where the sorting hat placed me." Harry told him.

"But the sorting hasn't even started!" Sirius protested.

"I was sorted in private Sirius." Harry grumbled. "You didn't really expect me to be sorted with a bunch of first years did you?"

Sirius gaped for a moment then shook his head. "No, I guess not."

The sorting started at that moment and once it was finished Dumbledore stood up and looked around. "Before we begin the feast I would like you all to welcome a transfer student we received this year. We sorted him privately because he is in his seventh year and we felt it to be too embarrassing to sort him with the younger students. So I would like you all to join me in welcoming our newest Gryffindor, Harry Langston who comes to us from Durmstrang."

There was some cautious applause as Harry smiled sheepishly and waved quickly.

"Now on with the feast!" Dumbledore said cheerfully and the plates filled with food.

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