The plan.

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Harry waited patiently in the library, wondering if Lily would actually show up or not. He had begun to give up hope when the door swung open and Lily walked in. She had her hair swooped up into a light bun with just enough tendrils to fall about her lovely face. At the sight of her Harry took in a deep breath.

Lily spotted him and moved toward him, smiling.

"Please, sit down." He motioned to the seat beside him.

Lily sat down and turned her brilliant green eyes towards him. Causing

Harry to mentally remind himself that she was his mother.

"Lily, I can't tell you how flattered I was at your note yesterday."

Harry began. "I must say that I find you very attractive as well and would be willing to see just where we could take this mutual attraction."

Lily took a deep breath.

Harry went on. "Now I will not make you any promises Lily, because

Ginny was my heart and soul and I am terribly afraid to give my heart again. But I also know that I can't live my life in what could have been or what if's."

Harry then waited for her response.

"I couldn't ask for more than that Harry." Lily told him somberly. "In fact I'm quite pleased that you just didn't reject me because of that."

"What do you mean?" Harry cocked an eyebrow.

"I know that you've been hurt and the pains of the heart are some of the worst wounds to face." Lily bowed her head. "I know that your healing will take some time and the best thing to do when you lose your love is to try and move on. This again is hard to do so I must say that I'm just glad you're willing to try is all."

Harry felt a twinge of guilt for what he was going to have to do to this girl in the coming weeks, but it was necessary. For if he didn't then he would never be born. He knew that no matter what he didn't have a choice.

Harry touched her hand and she smiled as she looked up.

"You don't have to worry about that Lily." He told her sincerely. "I'm not one to just reject someone without a good reason."

'Though you'll probably reject me after I'm through with this plan of mine.' Harry thought miserably. 'And I just know I'm going to feel so awful for this mom, but it has to be done.'

They left the library hand in hand.

The next few weeks Harry did all he could to make Lily fall for him. He would bring her flowers and little gifts, send her love notes and telling her things like "I can't wait for the weekend so we can be together." along with other romantic things. He was trying his hardest to make her smitten with him. Harry was afraid that he wasn't succeeding until one morning he was traveling down a corridor towards the great hall when he heard a girl's squeal of laughter. Intrigued, he searched for where the voices were coming from. He ended up in front of the girl's bathroom.

"So Lil's do you think you love him then?" Val was asking from the other side of the door.

"I think I do Val." Came Lily's reply. "He's so sweet, sensitive and has never failed to amaze me."

"Oh I wish Jake would do that for me." came Val's wistful sigh.

"Yes, well Harry is a one in a million guy." Lily cooed.

"You're so lucky" Val's voice was getting closer to the door.

Harry backed away from the door and broke into a run towards the great hall as quickly as he could. His plan was a great success so far. Now came the time for the betrayal and break up. He would have to do this publicly so that James could comfort Lily and hopefully win her over.

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