Through the looking glass

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Harry paced what used to be the Gryffindor common room in frustration.

'Why am I still here?' He thought angrily. 'It's been a miserable year and I am no closer to killing that monster and avenging my loved ones. I might as well face it. I should have died with them instead of thinking that I could ever get the upper hand on Voldemort.'

"Potter!" Draco's voice sounded from the other side of the portrait hole. "Potter, you in there?"

"Yes Malfoy." Harry sighed.

"Well get a move on will you? You know how he hates to be kept waiting." Draco drawled.

"Be right there." Harry said as he turned to the stairs of the boy's dormitory.

As he climbed, Harry's thoughts returned. 'So why don't I just end it all then? Why stay when I can never seem to get him alone to kill him?' He entered his room and grabbed his wand and cloak then headed back down to the portrait and as he climbed out his final thoughts on the matter was. 'Alright then I'll do it tonight.'

Harry followed Draco to what used to be the great hall. Harry had not realized he had forgotten to shield his thoughts, or had simply not cared to. Either way Voldemort had heard his thoughts and as the two young men entered the great hall he thought quickly, not wanting to lose his most prized possession to a silly thing as death.

"Ah, Harry my boy." Voldemort smiled evilly. "Harry, I have a proposition for you."

"A proposition master?" Harry looked at the snake like eyes in shock.

"Yes Harry." Voldemort's smile continued. "Harry, how would you like to be free of all of this?"

Harry's face went from shock to understanding. He knew from that moment that Voldemort had been hearing his thoughts. No matter though, he would play along and still carry out his plans this evening.

"Free master?" Harry looked at Voldemort in suspicion. "What would the master want for my freedom?"

"It's simple my dear boy. Just carry out you're final assignment without a problem and I will set you free."

With this every death eater's face contorted into rage and shock. Murmurs of "Surely the master is joking." Could be heard around the room.

"Silence!" Voldemort shouted. "That is my terms Harry, do you agree to them?"

"Very well master." Harry bowed. "I shall complete this task for you."

"And in turn I shall grant you freedom." Voldemort gave a slight nod of his head.

Harry turned and walked out of the great hall, Draco following behind him.

"Master, you do not truly intend to set young Potter free do you?" Lucius asked in surprise.

"No Lucius. I am merely trying to prevent young Potter from doing anything drastic." Voldemort sighed. "And if you honestly believed I would set him free then you truly are a fool."

Lucius nodded. "I see master. Brilliant plan if I might say so."

"You may." Voldemort smiled to himself.


As the sun rose two men stepped out onto Raleigh street. With a nudge from the blonde man to the left, the two men made their way towards the house at the end of the street.

"Do you really think the master will set you free?" The blonde asked his companion.

"No, I don't believe he will ever set me free." The man shook his head.

"Then why did you accept the offer?" The blonde inquired.

"I have to make him believe don't I?" The other man stopped walking and looked at the blonde. "I can't have him thinking I don't trust him now can I?"

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