Love Wins

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[A/n: cover picture not made by me, I got it off of pintrest.

Warnings: Language and light fluff]

Willie's pov:

As soon as I realize that I can't use magic to help me get out of the cage, I start trying to break it open. I have no hope of it working, but its my only plan at the moment.

I sit down on the ground, panting, after around 5 minutes of banging in the bars. This isn't going to work.  I rest my face on my knees and take deep shaky breaths.

I just want to be back with Alex.

He probably would never think to search here, and I'll be forced to wait until Caleb comes back.

After a while I decide to try breaking out again, I need to get back to Alex, he's probably worried to death about me.

I force myself to stand up and try again. I glimpse blonde hair over the top of a group of friends. I stand on tiptoe trying to see who it is; it might be Alex! 

A girl moves to the side and I see him. We lock gazes and my heartbeat quickens. He runs to me, looking relieved but scared.

"Caleb found me." I whisper. He gasps.

"H- how?"

"I was waiting here and he found me and trapped me in a cage."  Silent tears start running down my face. "I can't get out of here and he's coming back in a while and if he sees you he'll destroy you. Alex you have to get out of here and save yourself!"

He shakes his head and grabs my hands through the bars.  "I'm not leaving Willie. We will get you out of there."

I smile weakly at him, this is why I love him.

Wait I really just thought love.

Oh well, it's true.

Reggie and Luke appear behind Alex, and their eyes widen in shock as they see me.

"What the heck?" Reggie says.

I shrug and turn back to Alex. "So how are you planning on getting me out? I can't poof out or use any other magic."

Alex's smile falters.  "I don't know yet."

"Well you'd better find out soon, it looks like Willie really wants to kiss you and I don't know how much longer he can last."  Luke teases.

We both blush and I stare at the ground. Is it really that obvious?

*time skip*

Alex stops pacing and looks at me. "Do you think that I could poof into there and poof out with you?" He asks hopefully.

I shake my head sadly. "If you poof in here you'll just get trapped too."

He sighs and goes back to pacing.

"We have 10 minutes before he comes back and we still have nothing.  Willie what'll happen if we can't get you out?" Luke asks.

Alex turns on him. "Give up trying if you want to but I'm not leaving." He growls.

I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling, Alex is so cute when he's mad.  I try to grab onto the bars, but my hands go right through them. What?

"Guys!" I yell. "Look!" I slowly step through the bars and they stare and me in shock. 

I run up to Alex and jump in his arms. "Thank you!"

"For what? Willie you just got out on your own." He asks, confused.

"Only an extreme amount of kindness or love can overcome Caleb's magic." I tell him. "Like how Julie saved you guys with a hug and by telling you guys she loved you."

"So by me refusing to leave without you that freed you?"

"Yes!" I giggle.

He smiles and kisses me. Luke and Reggie laugh quietly but politely turn away.  Oh how I missed this. It was only a few hours, but still.

I grab his face and feel his warm, soft cheeks.  Butterflies race through my stomach as he ajusts his grip on me.  My shirt goes a bit up and his hand brushes my skin.

"I love you Alex." I whisper as he pulls away. 

He opens his mouth but doesn't repeat it. Holy shit I just told Alex I loved him and he didn't say it back. I start crying as my brain starts overthinking.

"I- I- I'm sorry if it's too soon I get it if you don't wanna say it back yet. . . Oh Alex I probably just fucked up our relationship I should've waited until you were ready I'm so sorry."

I bury my head in his shoulder and let my tears go. He hugs me tighter.

"Let's go somewhere private, okay?" He turns to Luke and Reggie, who's faces are currently 2 inches away from each other.  They're having a staring contest to see who can last the longest without kissing the other. Luke's idea to get to see Reggie struggle probably.

"Me and Willie are going back to the studio." He tells them, and poofs us out to Julie's garage. No one else is there and it is silent.

"Willie calm down, it's okay." He soothes.  He brings me up into the loft and sets me down on his bed. 

I crawl under the covers and look up at him, scared up what he's gonna say. "Can we cuddle?" I make what I hope is a cute face at him, and he gives in.

"Okay," he laughs. He climbs in bed with me and pulls the sheets over us.  I snuggle into him and he wraps his arm around me. He starts to gently play with my hair, winding it around his fingers. "Goodnight Willie."

"Goodnight Lex." I almost say 'I love you', but I caught myself just in time. He's not ready yet and I don't want to pressure him into anything.

I fall asleep in Alex's arms, our breathing in sync.

Alex's pov:

I wake up in the middle of the night to find Willie hunched over, clutching his stomach. He's gasping for breath and everyone and a while a jolt comes over him.

Oh no this can't be good, I thought we had escaped Caleb!

[A/n: I need a last name for Willie for one of the chapters coming up, any suggestions? Also yayy another cliffhanger!]

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