1: Locked Up

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Being thought of as crazy has its perks. But being watched at all hours is not one of them. Being chained up isn't either. But, its easier then having to watch your back. The stress and anxiety. Here, people are afraid of you, and what you will do. Because, you know. Its called an asylum for a reason. But I promise I'm not crazy, just been through some shit. Acting, and not having to explain why you are feeling this way or are depressed is harder then just being crazy. So, I never argued with the people that have me locked up in this small room. To which is killing me, but I ain't have to pay bills so..you know. Its cool.

But when the guard tells you that you have a visitor that won't leave until they see you, is upsetting. Because you see, my family hasn't called or communicated with me for awhile. And its not like this place offers that, I think. I don't really know how this place works, even though I've been here for almost a year. 

Looking the way I do, and acting the way I do..I think sells the crazy act. Because, I'd rather die then be here at all. I don't speak, barely move. And look like that scary movie girl. You know the one with the black hair covering her face. Yea, that one. Its honestly funny sometimes. The way some workers will look at you, or are afraid of touching you. Or not touching you at all. Like we are contagious, our craziness is. Its not, by the way. If you were wondering. 

"Sit up, be nice." The guard comes over and moves the chains connected to my wrists and ankles, so I can sit up. See, I may or may not have tried to kill myself, so these are some measures they go to. Hey, I could just strangle myself. They dumb sometimes, I gotta tell ya man. 

Not moving the guard gets angry. 

"UP!" He says louder, making me flinch. I look up at him, through my hair. He makes eye contact, then loses it. I never really look up either, so when I do. They know to back off. While the guard backs up, happy about my movements to sitting up, the door opens. The room fills up with the most amazing scent. Two, actually. But one, just that one. Makes me feel high, It makes me feel free. And not closed in.

"Clair, this is Maggie, and Billie. They are hoping to try something. So be nice, Okay? Ok." The guard closes the door, and makes his way to the corner of the room. 

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