"take a break." MHA

705 19 1

- sero hanta's younger brother comes to visit him in the UA High dorms to get some help with his homework. 659 words.

warnings: slight anxiety attack, school, negative self talk

headcanons mentioned: brief skater!sero
reader info: middle/high schooler, anxious, he/him pronouns
quirk: not mentioned

"take a break."


"Sero? Are you in there?" A (h/c) haired boy sighs, shifting his weight from side to side. He held his backpack in his arms tightly, fixing his (f/c) shirt and sweatpants, before someone opened the door. A 5'10" boy with short black hair smiles down at him, the shorter smiling back as his shoulders relaxed.

"_____! I didn't know you were visiting today! What's up, little man?" He laughed, ruffling his hair and letting him walk inside, the door closing behind them. _____ sat on Sero's bed, setting his black backpack on the floor.

"Well, I was gonna come this weekend but, Mom had some errands to do, so she dropped me off here." He shrugged. "Thought to visit early."

Sero smiled and sat back in his hammock next to his brother. _____ zipped open his bag and pulled out a notebook, pencil, and his laptop that was slowly booting up. The brothers sat in silence for a couple minutes, the only noise being the flipping of Sero's book and the typing on _____'s keyboard, until a groan escaped the younger's lips. He shook his head and continued typing, the side of his foot tapping the bed slowly.

A few minutes later, _____ had switched positions, laying on his stomach and elbows, while Sero played a game on his phone. He shoved his face into one of Sero's pillows, letting out a louder groan than earlier. Sero looked at his brother's computer screen, full of numbers, and then at _____ concerned.

"You okay, little man?" He put his phone down.

"No.." He sighed, muffled by the pillow.

"What's the matter?"

"Have you ever done the Pythagorean Theorem?" Sero clicked his tongue, nodding.

"Ah.. that's what you're doing." The black haired hero-in-training sat next to him as he lifted his head off the pillow and sat up. He picked up his notes as they looked at them together. "Well, I'm not gonna leave you suffering alone!"


Sero opened a granola bar, his brother clicking a pen slowly. They had been working at this missing work for almost an hour now and _____ was starting to get overwhelmed. But, Sero was so relaxed! Why was _____ freaking out? Math was never his strong suit. He hated it. It made his brain feel like a shake that was thrown together and mashed around. Nothing made sense to him. Yet, Sero? Sero was working! He was doing so well. He was training to become a literal Pro-Hero! And here _____ was, about to cry over math work. How pathetic was he? He was being stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid-

"Hey, _____, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Light tears rolled down the younger's cheeks. He blinked a few times before meeting Sero's concerned eyes. He wiped away his tears and nodded his head, attempting to go back to work, before Sero could stop him.

"Ah ah, nope, you're not touching that." He moved the laptop and papers away and onto the hammock.

"Sero, I have to-"

"Take a break. That's what you have to do. Everyone gets overwhelmed, little bro, you can tell me that." The (h/c) haired student bit his lip and nodded. Sero bent down to his eye level and ruffled his hair. "How about we go to the skate park? Just you and me?"

"Yeah, that... that sounds fun. I haven't been skating in a while." His slightly puffy (e/c) eyes closed slightly when he made a small smile. He dried his face with his t-shirt and stood up, following his older brother out the door. They grabbed two skateboards out of the closet with a helmet for the younger and headed out. The moment they left the dorms, Sero started riding down the hallways, only to be shouted at by a taller, blue haired man.

The only thing that really mattered though was that the work that was left in the dorms wouldn't be touched until days later, when _____ visited that weekend, and they worked through it together.

- hi there, readers ! first chapter finished, whoo hoo ! i know that the tempo was a little weird but, i like how it came out so :) author's choice to keep it in

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