1: The Invite

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Author's Note: Hi! I haven't written a fic in years so my apologies if I'm a little rusty! This is the first part of what is hopefully many but I think the first few are going to be short as I kind of set the scene. Happy reading and I hope you enjoy!

PS I'm the queen of run on sentences and using too many commas so sorry if that isn't for u xx

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"Shit shit shit" 

I whipped around my little apartment on Monday, trying to grab everything I needed for my shift before I became any later than I already was. I was already dressed with my purse slung over my shoulder, but I could not for the life of me figure out where I had thrown my keys when I got home from work last night. 

After what felt like an hour of searching, I finally found them in the pocket of the jacket I had been wearing the night before and rushed towards the door, flinging it open and simultaneously unlocking my phone to text my boss an apology for my lateness. I was so wrapped up in the text that I didn't look up from my phone as I exited my apartment. 

If I had looked up, maybe I wouldn't have run face first into the man standing in the hallway. 

But alas, I did, and as I stumbled backward, confused, he caught me by the elbows and steadied me, greeting me with a "whoa there!" in his usual cheery tone. 

I finally raised my eyes from my phone to see my neighbor, Ashton. 

My brow furrowed in surprise and confusion, I looked up at Ashton. Him and I had hardly talked since I had moved in 2 months ago, despite my shoebox apartment sharing a wall with his much larger suite. He had introduced himself when we had passed in the hall on the day I moved in, but besides that, we had exchanged nothing but the typical pleasantries and small talk that any neighbors would when they crossed paths. 

Although we didn't know each other very well, I liked his positive energy and goofy smile and recognized the potential for friendship with the man who lived next door. Unfortunately, I had been too busy with work and the seemingly never ending process of unpacking to pursue that any further, or to try to figure out how a guy around my own age could afford the largest and nicest apartment in the building. 

I quickly tried to run through all the reasons he could be showing up at my door. Did he need to borrow some sugar? Was I blasting Lorde too loud a few nights ago while I had a solo crying sesh? Or- oh fuck, did he hear me having sex?

Thankfully, Ashton interrupted my panicked stream of thoughts. "Hi Violet! Glad I bumped into you. No pun intended". 

He broke into his trademark chuckle before continuing: "I actually was about to knock, but you beat me to it. I just wanted to come over and let you know that I'm having a little party this Thursday night. It shouldn't be anything too crazy, but if it gets too loud, just give me a knock and I'll turn down the music a bit".

Slightly recovering from the shock of running headfirst into my very tall (and solid) neighbor, I suddenly remembered that I was now running extremely late for work and quickly stepped out into the hall, closing and locking my door behind me as I responded "thanks for letting me know! I'm sure it won't be a problem though".

I turned to face Ashton, looking up at him as I continued "and sorry for running into you, I'm just in a rush to get to work right now. My shift starts in 15 minutes and it takes like 30 to get there at this time". I rolled my eyes, offering a shrug and he nodded sympathetically, muttering something about LA traffic as he urged me to get going. 

I turned with a wave and a quick "bye!" and started speed walking towards the elevator at the other end of the hall. After I had punched the down button a few times, I heard him shout "and feel free to drop by if you aren't doing anything! You're invited too!".

I smiled and threw him a thumbs up before the elevator doors dinged, signaling its arrival and my departure.

For the length of my commute, I pondered Ashton's invitation. Although I wouldn't know anyone there except for him, the idea that I could always just walk the few feet back to my apartment if I wasn't having a good time eased any anxieties I was feeling about mingling with a bunch of strangers, and I made up my mind to go, even if just for a few minutes. It's not like I could afford to say no to making new friends, and I wanted to get to know Ashton better as well. I mentally thanked my past self for requesting to have Thursdays off work.

When I finally swung my car into a parking spot at work, it was miraculously only 5 minutes past the time I was scheduled to arrive. I grabbed my stuff and quickly made my way into the building, silently thanking whichever god controlled LA rush hour traffic.

Once I had taken my usual place behind the bar, all thoughts of Ashton and the party were wiped from my mind as I was immediately occupied with making drinks and chatting with customers. It wasn't until I was home nearly 8 hours later that I thought of the invite again, and felt myself get excited at the prospect of going to the party.

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Author's note (again, sorry): I don't love the ending by any means but it's 3 am and I'm just going to post it lol. Please let me know what you think if you're reading this, I appreciate any and all feedback! 

Also this is not an Ashton fic I promise!! Just hang in there we'll meet the main man soon ;) 

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