Where's Chester

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Hannah's POV.

I'ts been an hour since Grace has left and about half an hour ago she texted me saying that she was going to be home soon..

Well I wasn't worried maybe she forgot she had to go to another store and went.

I thought maybe when she comes back that we can film a video together, so I started to set up the camera.

I walked in the bedroom to pick a hat to wear for the video, while I was choosing my phone started to ring, I run to it and smile to the screen seeing Mamrie's name.

Mamrie's POV.

I was editing a YDAD when I heard my phone, I look over to my phone and see "EMERGENCY" I started to get worried and slowly pick it up

"Hello..?" I say not knowing what to expect

"Yes hello is this Mamrie Hart?" A young man speaks in the phone

"Umm yes, is there something wrong?"

"Are you a friend of Grace Helbig?" He ask without answering my question, but I knew there was


The next thing he says makes me drop my phone, I start to shake uncontrollably..I start to cry historically.

After 5 minutes I bring myself together, I pick up my phone and grab my keys and head to Hannah's...

Hannah's POV.

I pick up the phone,

"Hey Mames, what's up?"

"Hannah...I'm outside your house, come now, there's no time to explain." Through the phone I can tell she was trying to hold back tears.

"Mamrie wha-"

"HANNAH! We don't have much time! Get in the car!" She yells and the line goes dead.

I hang up and hurry out the door, not bothering to lock the door,

I get in the car and before I could close the door she started to drive.

"Can you please tell me what's going on Mamrie?!"

I can see tears falling from her eyes, but she keeps a straight face,

"It's Grace..."

My heart drops immediately, I start to shake, but I don't cry, I'm to much in shock.

We stay silent for the rest of the car ride, the hospital was 10 minutes away but it felt like hours to me...

We arrive at the hospital and I run into the hospital, I go up to the receptionist

"What room is Grace Helbig in?" I say as calmly as possible

"You cant see her right now, but you may go sit over there to wait.." She says pointing to some chairs.

I nod and Mamrie and I sit down next to each other.

~4 hours later~

Me and Mamrie still haven't said anything since we arrived, we were in to much shock to speak, but we understood each other.

"Are you two here for Miss Helbig?"

We both look up to see a doctor

"Yes!" We both say standing up

"I'm afraid Miss Helbig has been in a terrible accident, she has gotten hit by a truck and has some critical injuries, her left arm is broken, two of her ribs have been broken, she has a minor injurie to her neck and she has many cuts and bruises all over her body. Also when she wakes up she will have some memory loss. You may go in and see her, I'll be checking every few hours to see if everything is ok."

We nod in agreement and walk into her room, I see Grace lying there peacefully with a cast on her neck and left arm, she has a couple wires attached to her here and there, she has a few stitches on her face also many bruises on her face and everywhere else on her body. She has a lot of cuts on her hands and arms, I don't know about the rest of her body because she is covered with a blanket.

I sit next to her and pick up her hand and kiss it softly, I start to cry, Mamrie sits next to me and I cry in her arms.

Grace's POV.

I wake up with my body in excruciating pain...everywhere. I look around and realize im in a hospital. I start to remember what happened to me, ooh ya I got hit by a truck..

I can feel pressure on my right hand, Hannah has fallen asleep with my hand under her head. I try to slip my hand from under her head without waking her up...I failed.

She shoots her head up with red puffy eyes signaling that she has been crying. I give her a weak smile and hear the door open, I see Mamrie walk in..

"Oh my god..You're awake!" She says running up to me and giving me a hug.

I wince in pain, she backs up right away..

"I'm sorry!" She says with tears

"It's fine," I say giving her a reassuring smile.

I see Hannah staring at me,


"Nothing, I'm just happy that your alive, babe.."

Babe? Umm okay..

I look around the room..

"Hey guys, where's Chester?"

Hannah looks at me with a confused look,

"Who?" She says in disgust

"My boyfriend...Chester, where is he?"

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