Chapter 1

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Cover by @vamploverstories

I'm Mckenzie. I'm Tyler Lockwood's twin sister. The only difference is our eye color and of course gender. I just got back home from a trip with some of our more distant family. It was majorly killing me, not seeing Tyler.
~Time Skip~
I arrived at the grill and I noticed Tyler wasn't here. Oh I almost forgot to mention, I triggered my werewolf curse. Tyler did too. It's kinda creepy that we go through almost everything together, let's not mention the fact that we sometimes talk in sync. I saw my best friend, Jeremy. "Hey Jer guess who." I smiled as I covered his eyes. "There's no way your already back. Kenzie!" He engulfed me in a hug and spun me around. I laughed and tried to get down. "When did you get relatively strong Jer?" He mocked a hurt face and then laughed. "The supernatural are everywhere Kenzie. I'm trying to protect myself." "About that Jer. I activated the curse around the same time Tyler did." He looked shocked and slightly panicky. "Kenzie the full moon is coming soon, that's why Tyler's not here. Go to the old property, there's a cellar that he goes to. He could use you there." I nodded and ran to my car. Once I got there I ran to the cellar and went inside. I saw Tyler sitting on the bottom of the stairs, his back facing me. "I told you Caroline it's not safe for you to be here." I hate Caroline and he knows this why does he think I'm her. "It's not that bitch." He jumped up and hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry but Caroline and I are dating. I thought it was her coming to help me prepare for next months full moon." "Nope. But I heard that tonight's senior prank night so your coming. Lets go." He groaned and got up.
Once we got to the school I walked Tyler into the room they were setting up in. I heard a bunch of snaps and I turned the light on. "Come on really." It was Caroline, she was upset all her hard work was wasted. "Oops sorry Care. I guess I will go help Tyler with a different part of the school." We walked out and he laughed. I heard a noise and looked around. There was a vampire. She walked over to us and smiled. "Tyler, the werewolf, but who are you?" She glanced at me. "I'm none of your business." She smiled and dragged us both into the gym. Someone was there with Elena, Chad, and Dana. He spoke, "I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning she can be quite mean. And who is this? I asked for one werewolf." "Don't be an ass. I don't know who she is she was with Tyler so I took her too." He smiled at me when he saw the scared look on my face. "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake I'd hurry." He spoke as he fed Tyler his blood and snapped his neck. "No! Tyler!" I cried as he fell to the floor. Rebekah wouldn't let me go. The man, I'm guessing he was Klaus due to many phone calls with Tyler, motioned for me to come over to him. I slowly walked over to him and he fed me his blood and then everything went dark.

I woke up in a classroom with my twin, Caroline, and Rebekah. Klaus walked in with to vials of blood. He handed one to Tyler and one to me. "Drink up." I drank mine hesitantly. Tyler didn't drink it right away, it took some persuasion. The first the we felt was excruciating pain. I yelled at the same time Tyler did. I looked up at Klaus, my eyes gold and fangs out. "Well that's a good sign." I looked over to Tyler, he looked ok. Klaus took me with him when he left and we were standing outside the hospital. Damon and Klaus were fighting but the name Mikael came up and Klaus stopped. He threw Damon to the ground then grabbed me and ran. "Question, why bring me with you?" He sighed and looked at me with a smile. "It's complicated, love. I still don't know your name. It's obvious that you know mine." "Mckenzie Lockwood. I'm Tyler's twin." He smiled, "I never knew that he had a sister." "Ya well he doesn't like to brag. I was on a vacation with some family after our dad died I just got back today." "Well I'm sorry that I took you away from your family love." I smiled and he started running again. He was carrying me while I fell asleep, because running was faster than driving. I woke up in a hotel and smiled.

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