💎20- The Search Begins

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As they have said, they started and finished their preparations before 8. After dinner, Ida decided not to go to gem dorm. She jumped to her bed and closed her eyes and soon slept.

Within an hour, she woke up to two pairs of eyes looking at her. No sooner, she rose up from her bed. Clada and Pensy were sitting on her bed.

"Hi," said Clada.

"Sleepy, this early?" Pensy asked, taking a pillow.

"Um-a bit. But, you guys shooed it away," Ida said in a cringy slang, leaning to the wall next to her bed.

"Why didn't you come today?" Clada asked Ida.

"I was tired and-honestly I didn't wanted to come," she said to the girls.

"May I know the reason behind it?" Pensy asked in a funny but keen tone.

Ida thought, "Um-," and said, "Specifically nothing. But, totally everything".

"You came up with a good move yesterday. And now, again you're backing off," Pensy said.

"Must learn to stick to your decisions, Iddy," Clada said, nodding her head.

"But, after all the things that've happened within months, I suppose I'm going right. I don't deserve to be there. This is my place and I am not wholly but in a way happy about it," Ida told them.

"You know, we are all just working on, to make ourself 'deserving to be deserved' ," Pensy phrased, as Ida shifted her eyes to her from the bed.

"That's a nice one," Clada chuckled at her phrase.

"I've gone through a lot of terrible confusions. Coming to PCA, starting a life here, it was never easy. My family was a mess. My dad and mom, wealthy, but that was never enough. They wanted me to throw off my studies and get to some work. So that, they could get some more income," Pensy told them as they were keenly looking at her.

"I beared everything they did. But-one day they told me that I'll be marrying a person whom I've never seen before. Only for his money, they were ready to give away their only daughter. They made every preparation for that ridiculous marriage, in spite of me begging them not to do it," Pensy said with teary eyes.

"I ran off from them one night. I took whatever money I had from my savings and I came here unaware of what I'm going to do alone," Pensy was saying.

"Mr.Flent helped me to get an education loan from the bank and now I'm continuing my studies with the help of him. I'm doing part time jobs and paying for my stay at a PG. And-I'm happy," Pensy disclosed her story to the girls.

"No one else knows it except Mr.Flent and Dannon," Pensy told his name that made Ida smile inside as she always does when she hears his name. But, this time the smile wasn't bright, just a gloomy smile.

"He is my only friend at school, who helps me every time I need. Though he's not a student, he helps me with my studies. Nice guy," Pensy told them.

"We all have different stories, Ida. You too might be having one that is stuck deep inside you. But, amid all the sorrows and tears, what it matters is-how we overcome them," Clada told Ida, as being a little girl tortured by her aunt while her mom was out for work flashed into Ida's mind. Her untold, hard memory, that was.

"You know-to shine like anything, a gem overcomes every external, environmental pressures and are mould by various hard processes. At last, it reaches our hands sparkling. You may break them into several pieces, but it doesn't brings down its value neither it's sparkle. It's all worth the pain," Pensy said in an appealing low tone.

"Anyone who has lived through problems, we too, are brittled gems. 'Broken-but still worthy' ," She phrased.

"But, I'm worried about my family," Ida said.

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