Back to School!

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Kageyama was very nervous for his second year, to say the least. Oikawa had given him an entire lecture the other day on how to survive it, and as much as he wanted to listen to it, it was very boring. 

Oikawa and Iwaizumi wouldn't be here, so it would just be him and his teammates. He hoped to get along with them, as the pure child he was. 

He greeted his teachers and his friends, but somehow, his teammates were much colder to him now that Oikawa and Iwaizumi weren't around. They weren't particularly rude, just a little more...hmmm....well, not that it mattered to him!

Seijuro, being somewhat feared and like  around the school, had a pretty first day back as well. 

"Morning, Akashi-san. Can we go see your brother again?" Kuroko appeared out of nowhere, but he wasn't surprised. 

"Tetsuya, it's the middle of school at the moment, even if it's just lunch break." Kuroko sulked in his seat. 

"But, we can see him after school if you wish." Kuroko's lit up. 


"You sound very excited. I can't blame you though." 

Murasakibara, who was sitting across from him, perked up too. "Aka-chin, can I go see him too?"

"What, is my brother a celebrity now?" He asked. 

"It's not our fault your brother is fun and adorable." Kuroko nonchalantly answered.

"Alright, alright. Midorima, do you want to come too?" 

Midorima flinched, having war flashbacks about Kageyama beating him in basketball, but Akashi didn't seem like he was going to give him a choice. 







Kageyama turned around to see his friends waiting for him. He smiled before greeting them happily.

"How was your day?" Seijuro asked. 

Kageyama thought back to the people in his class and the cold gazes he received from several teammates, but brushed it off.

"Pretty good! Oh, did you know? Since it's the first day of school again, Maji Burger is giving a free drink to students! You need to bring your student ID though."

"Kage-chin, you should've told me earlier. We must go now." Murasakibara headed off first, followed by Kageyama and Kuroko, and finally, Seijuro and Midorima. 

Kageyama can always count on his friends at Teiko to make his day so much better. 

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