That's him?!

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So in the end, Kageyama agreed to stay behind, and "that" was Tanaka's sister driving them to Tokyo.

"We are not responsible for any physical or mental damage you may sustain during the drive, so be prepared."

Kageyama sighed as he remembered his upperclassman's words, waiting for his friend to come out of the testing room.

"I'm here! I'm here! I'm alive!" Hinata panted.

"Nice job!" Kageyama said, slightly sarcastic but also pretty happy. At the same time, Saeko had arrived.

"Yo! Hop in!" She greeted.

'She's fricking cool!'


"Hm? Where are the other two? I was kinda looking forward to seeing them...." Kuroo mumbled the last sentence.

"Haha, you see, they kinda failed their exams, well, close to the passing line." Suga chuckled.

"You mean Hinata failed. Kageyama passed, he's just helping him." Tsukishima corrected.

"Hm, understandable." Kenma said.

They met the other teams, and the ones who specifically stood out to them were the Fukurodani team, Bokuto Kotarou and Akaashi Keiji.

For a while, Karasuno was losing continuously, but they were also adjusting and learning, being more determined than any other team in the court.

"Hah...WE'RE HERE!" The door burst open with a loud noise, and a familiar shout.

"King, and shrimpy." Tsukishima smiled when he said the first name.

"Hey! Get changed and join us!" Daichi called.

"Yes sir!"

Akaashi held his breath for a moment, before walking toward's his dual-colored friend.

"Kenma, the person Tsukishima called King, that's-"

"Kageyama, mhm." He smiled.

'Wow...he looks so different , beautiful, in person.'

And Bokuto had the same reaction,


"Kageyama, uhm, can I join you in some setting practice?" Kenma asked, pulling on the raven's shirt.

"Huh? O-of course!" Kageyama was overjoyed.

"Hello, I'm Akaashi Keiji, setter of the Fukurodani team, but you can call me Akaashi. May I join you two as well?" Akaashi introduced himself, wanting to know the Karasuno setter more.


The three setters handed each other tips, practiced, and just talked about other things.

"Hm, it's about dinnertime. We should head down. Come on." Akaashi looked at the clock.

"Right, right!" Kageyama responded enthusiastically.

What a perfect time for his phone to ring, and above all, a call from his brother.

"Sei....I'm in training camp...." Kageyama whined.

The other two setters raised their eyebrows, wondering who was on the other side of the phone.

"I'm doing well, don't worry. Oh! You should say hi to Kenma and Akaashi!" He handed the phone over to them, speaker on.

"Ohh, so it's you, hey Seijuro-San." Akaashi was a bit surprised, but he knew the redhead personally.

Meanwhile, Kenma was struggling with his social skills. Poor him.



Kageyama: Akaashi-San looks a lot like Suna-San.....

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