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"Haizaki, I'm going to ask you to leave the team." Seijuro was firm with his decision. 

"What? No way, you want me to give my position to that Kise? Are you crazy?!" He answered. 

"Both his skill, potential, and charisma are far higher than yours. Your attitude does not mix well with the others either." 

"Yo Akashi-" Aomine ran into the gym, about to invite the redhead to whatever chaos they were planning, but hearing the conversation, he paused. 

"Woah, you're leaving Haizaki?" He asked. 

"Of course not, but this midget wants me to!"

"Excuse me?" Akashi glared at him. 

"Wow....well that sucks." Murasakibara emptied a bag of snacks. 

The rest of the friends flowed into the gym, clearly having heard what they were saying. 

"I'm flattered." Kise was surprised Seijuro actually complimented him. 

"I acknowledge people that I should acknowledge." Seijuro replied blankly. 

"Uhhh, what are we doing now then?" Kageyama peered behind Midorima. 

Seeing his brother, Seijuro had the sudden spark of an idea. 

"Okay, you can stay on the team, but with one condition." 

"What's that, midget?" Haizaki's tone was condescending.

'Watch your mouth, idiot.' Aomine and Kise thought. 

"Beat Kageyama in a basketball game!" Seijuro answered quite cheerfully, at least for the likes of him. 

"Oh, you really don't want him to be on the team." Midorima said. 

"Seriously?! He plays volleyball! Fine, you asked for it." He smirked. 

But the rest of the people, aside from Kuroko, were confused. Kageyama had no idea what was about to happen.


Haizaki got the ball first, confident he wouldn't lose. He dunked on the other, smiling arrogantly. 

"So what do you have-" 

But he did not expect that. He did not expect the speed Kageyama move at. The precision, the techniques, and the skills he had. 

'No f****** way. That has to be a fluke.'

Even in the first quarter, Haizaki was already tired from trying to keep up with Kageyama, who didn't seem affected at all. 


"You didn't know?" Aomine, Kuroko and Seijuro said at the same time. 

"Interesting." Murasakibara was surprised. 

Kageyama looked a little embarrassed, but when he turned to his opponent, his eyes changed, and Haizaki could feel it. 

'What the hell is up with that guy?'






"I'm very proud of you." Seijuro was really happy. He loved his brother dearly, and he really enjoyed seeing him play. 

"Damn, you wrecked him." Aomine ruffled his hair, and so did Kise, who was screeching at how cool he was. 

"If Akashi is an emperor, than I think Kageyama is a king." Kuroko and Blueberry clapped. 

For once, that nickname didn't hurt Kageyama, but made him proud of himself. 

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