Ahem! Kageyama!

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"Kageyama." Ohira washed an apple before setting it on the counter. "I have a proposal for you."

"What is it?" Kageyama sulked. He was too busy thinking of the nickname and rumors being spread around. 

"Why don't you join the Teiko middle school volleyball club instead? Or perhaps the basketball club, if that works for you." 

"Why would you say that?" Kageyama was suddenly interested. 

"Because I don't feel Kitagawa is right for you. Admit it, please. Your brother isn't very happy either."

"I'm weighing them down, aren't I?" Kageyama hugged his sleeping kitten close for comfort. 

"No. You're weighing yourself down. Kageyama, I don't want you to regret everything in the end. But please, think about it for a while. Your friends at Teiko. You life at Kitagawa." Ohira took a seat and patted the boy. 

"Mhm...Okay!" Kageyama nodded. He knew Ohira was a really kind person, and he really trusted her. 

'Bring Tobio to Teiko? Not a bad idea!' Seijuro thought. 


"Sei-Onii San! This might be a bit much to ask of you, but do you think you could bring me to your school and see how the classes are like?" Kageyama asked. 

Seijuro was obviously up to the idea. "Of course! Don't worry, I'll get things set up. Wake up earlier tomorrow, okay?"

"Sure, sure." 

The next morning, Kageyama put on a simple set of clothes - jeans and a light blue shirt, before walking with his brother to school. 

He attended the classes, looked around the school, and he had to admit, it seemed a lot more fun then his old school. Kuroko had already known, but the rest of his friends there were shocked. 

"I call dibs on showing him around!" Kise declared.

"Your fans would just get in the way. I'll do it." Aomine grabbed the raven's hand. 

"I doubt an idiot would properly remember the names of the classes and buildings. I'll do it instead." Midorima argued. 

Kuroko ended up doing it. Best friends, of course. 

"So how do you feel about it?" Kuroko asked at the end of the day. "I'd be really happy if you came here though." He gave him what would later be known as "Nigou eyes". 

"Uhmmm....." He felt the looks of the GoM on him, especially his brother's. They were all virtually pleading him. 

"Okay! But just for my brother and Ohira-san! I-I'm not doing it because I feel guilty!" 

"Sure sure, whatever floats your boat." Aomine laughed. 

"Snack buddy." Murasakibara handed him a cookie, which was extremely rare. 

Okay, Kageyama was doing it because he felt guilty of leaving his friends at another school. 

"You guys are so mean!"



Fun fact: The file name of the image above is literally "KAGES"

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