Chapter 14

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"Well this is a surprise." Tom said with a smile when he opened the door, seeing his son, Ethan, and I. Theo smiled a bit and gave his dad a small wave before gesturing to us. 

"Can we come inside?" He asked, too which Tom answered with a nod. He held the door open while the three of us walked inside. I looked around a bit, of course they lived in a blue house how could they not? I looked over to Tom again when he closed the door. 

"Matt's kid right? Don't think we've met, tell me you have one more braincell from your dad." Tom joked while walking over to the couch. I smiled, maybe Tom wasn't as bad as I thought he had been. 

"Maxx you gonna come sit down?" Theo asked when sitting in a bean bag by the couch. I blinked and looked to Ethan before nodding, walking over to Theo and sitting on the ground by him and the bean bag. Ethan followed me, Nova hopping down from his shoulder and going over to Tom. 

"So what do you boys need?" Tom asked while petting Nova. He had looked over to us, having lounged on the couch. 

"Well, it's about Tobi-" Ethan started, rubbing the back of his neck. "He kinda. Snapped at Maxx and we have no clue what to do." Tom nodded lightly when Ethan had finished, he took a moment to think. 

"When ever Tord did that we kinda just gave him his space, he'd cool down eventually. Never knew how long it would take depending on what happened." Tom finally spoke, looking back to the Tv which was off here too. I nodded a little bit, looking around a little bit. 

The house was smaller than ours, comfier if anything. There wasn't much empty space and I could see why Tom did like it here, I know I liked it here. But I couldn't help but notice that only Tom had come to the door, where was Theo's mom? I looked back over to Theo silently wondering where his mom was. Tom stood up from the couch, I looked over to him when he moved. Theo watched his dad a moment before looking to the side. 

"Theo you ok?" I asked, scooting over to him. He looked over to me before nodding lightly. Resting his head on his hand while he leaned on the arm of the couch that was next to the beanbag. I nodded slowly, looking away from him again but staying where I was next to him.

I jumped slightly when a puppy came running inside and into the living room. Theo moved to the ground to hold the puppy and calm her down. Ethan blinked but smiled, Nova wasn't all that happy but she's fairly calm with dogs. Even pups. I looked to Theo turning my head a bit, then looking to Tom as he came back into the living room.

"Sorry boys, she's usually pretty calm, probably just happy people are here." Tom said walking over to Theo and the puppy. Ethan had started to pet her.

"What's her name?" He asked looking to Tom.

"Mocha" Tom sat on the couch. "Tord named her before he left" Tom stated, looking to the side a little. I turned my head a bit, while looking at Tom. Theo let go of Mocha, who ran around. Sticking her nose into each of our faces, even into Nova's face. She seemed to stay fairly calm. 

"What do you mean Tord named her?" I asked, Tom looked over to me and sat down on the couch. Mocha jumped up on him and sat down. 

"Before Tord left back to his base we found this pup and him and I named her together, Edd and Matt weren't there at the time." Tom explained, lightly petting the pup's head while she laid down with him. 

"I thought you and Tord hated each other?" Theo questioned, looking to his dad and way from the dog. I nodded lightly, from what Matt told me they did.

"In the beginning yeah, but eventually there was a while where him and I loved each other. But when it came to where he had to choose between me and the army- well-" Tom sighed and looked to Mocha. "You see what he choose." I looked down. I felt bad for Tom, Matt never said anything about him and Tord being a thing for a while, but that made it harder to think about what might happen with Tobi. Does this mean he'll choose the army over us? I really hoped not. Ethan had been silent the whole time, just looking down now. Theo looked at his dad a moment more before also looking down. 

The house stayed quiet for a while, just having the noise from Mocha snoring. I could guess she fell asleep with Tom. I looked over to Tom and Mocha. 

"Well, you boy's should figure out what you're going to do for the night. As well as for school cause I know that's approaching" Tom said, looking from Mocha to me and Theo. I nodded a little bit, he had a point school was going to start again. I sighed softly and rested my head on the side of the bean bag Theo was sitting on. Theo looked down to me, before back to his dad.

"I think it might be best if we stayed here, if thats ok dad-" Theo started. Tom nodded looking to his son.

"I'm perfectly fine with you three staying over, just don't be too loud later tonight. I got work tomorrow" Tom explained, standing up. "I believe your room is still the way you left it Theo, you can stay there. Mocha will probably come in a few times." Theo nodded and got up, hugging his dad. Ethan and I looked at each other before standing up and thanking Tom for letting us stay. Following Theo to his room. 

I looked around while we were walking there, there really wasn't much on the walls. Just a few pictures of Theo and some of Tom and dad, plus Edd. Very few pictures of Tord. Many of Mocha and Theo. But nothing gave any clue to Tom and Tord being a thing, much less anything on Theo's mom. I looked back to Theo and Ethan as they walked into a room. I slowly followed. 

The room wasn't big but wasn't small enough to make it seem crowded with us in here. The walls were a dark blue and the carpet tanish white. I walked over to the bed at the far left corner of the room. Sitting down on it. I noticed a gaming set at the foot of the bed, everything looked turned off. There was a tv over Theo's old dresser a beanbag on the ground in front of it, similar to the one in the living room. 

Theo sat down next to me on the bed and Ethan settled on the beanbag, Nova curling up on his legs as soon as he did. I looked over to Theo, half tempted to ask about his mother but. Might not be the best idea due to the fact it seems there's been absolutely nothing on or about his mom in the house. I looked away again and laid on my back, staring at the ceiling. I sighed lowly and closed my eyes. Maybe some rest would help? I heard Ethan turn the tv on, Theo shift next to me than laying on his back too. 

I kept my eyes closed despite Theo laying next to me. I felt Ethan get onto the bed next and lay on my other side. I let out a low soft sigh, I knew I was kinda stuck between these two but at least we wouldn't have to worry about something happening here. I hoped so anyway. I could hear Theo and Ethan whispering even as I started to fall asleep. I started to tune them out. Eventually drifting to sleep.

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