Chapter 15

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  There was nothing filling the start of Maxx's dreams. He looked around slightly while floating in the black space around him.


  Maxx's voice echoed in the empty space. He flinched to the side lightly as he heard something echo back to his right. Maxx watched to his right while listening to the empty space. When nothing happened he looked down at the blackness below him. He watched the black space below him then looked in front of him again.

  He jumped back as he was face to face with someone he didn't know. Their face was blurred and unrecognizable to Maxx.

  'Who are you?'

  The words echoed around the space again. The person tilted their head to the side. Seeming to give Maxx a cheerful smile, though they didn't have a visible face. Maxx watched them as the black area around them seemed to fill in. Maxx looked at the sidewalk that manifested below him and the other person. He watched as the rest of the background manifested around them.

  The sky was blue and had big puffy clouds, the trees bright green and the sun shining brightly. From the angle Maxx was at the tree leaves just barely brushed the clouds. The grass around the sidewalk long and a healthy green. There was a beautiful yellow flower growing up from the ground next to the sidewalk.

  Maxx looked back to the person in front of him, now realizing that he and them were both children now. He looked down at his shoes before back to the other person. He strained his ears to hear the other persons words as they seemed to have started talking, but Maxx just couldn't hear them. 

  Maxx held the straps to the backpack he had over his shoulders as he looked at the person, doing his best to seem like he was paying attention even though he couldn't hear anything they seemed to say. 

  He looked back down at his shoes as he followed along the sidewalk with the person that seemed to be a new dream friend. Maybe this wasn't as bad as Maxx thought it was going to be? As long as it wasn't  that day Maxx had nothing to fear here.

  Once he was done studying his shoes Maxx allowed his eyes to wander, looking around more of the area as he followed along with his new dream friend. He looked at them again to see if he could figure out who it was. The only person he had known at this age was Ethan but this person was wearing a deep red, he didn't remember anyone he knew wearing a deep red before. 

  'Who are you?'

  Again the words echoed around, the person paused a second before seeming to ignore the question and continuing to talk to the air between Maxx and them. Maxx lowered his gaze again and watched the ground, he couldn't help feeling bad that he couldn't hear what this person was saying. Even if this was just a dream, it still meant something to him. 

  The world started to fade out again, the person slowly disappeared. Maxx opened his mouth to call out to the person but, no noise came out. Maxx held his throat as he couldn't make any noise. Panic gripped his heart as he felt himself falling toward nothing. He watched the light in front of him get smaller as he fell farther and farther away from it.

  Maxx started to feel like he was drowning, his lungs tightening with the lack of air. His eyes widened as he watched large air bubbles float into the air above him. Hadn't he just been in the air? When did he fall below the water? When did the water appear? 

  Panic gripped Maxx's heart in a tight hold as he cupped his hands around his throat as he felt like he was being suffocated. 

  The light at the top faded away, leaving Maxx in total darkness again, he had stopped falling so fast and seemed to be floating in mid air . Yet slowly falling down from the original spot he had been in.

  Maxx watched more air bubbles float up as he choked them out, water filling into his lungs as he gasped in. Coughing out the last of the bubbles, struggling to keep himself from panicking.

  Why couldn't he talk? Why couldn't he move? Why couldn't he breathe? What was going on? Why was this happening?

It's only a dream. Only a dream.









This is a nightmare




No dream would be like this



(Short chapter I know!! I'm real sorry but I found such a nice ending point for this and figured this was enough. As for why I haven't really been updating, I had been having troubles with logging into Wattpad from my Computer. Which is what I use mainly for writing, but I figured it out!! I know  the next chapter will be longer than this but I did my best to add more to it that still fit with the ending, I hope you enjoyed!! Ill try and figure out a more constant update rate)

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