Chapter 3

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It had been a few hours and I was slightly deciding on telling them what I was still. The movie had changed about three times already, from Jaws, to the Twilight series. Ethan started talking to Theo about how cool it would be to know a vampire or werewolf like Bella knew the ones in the movie. I didn't pay enough attention to learn their names, and I really didn't care. The actors weren't the real thing, so I wasn't too interested. Tobi was more intent on watching the movie then listening to the two next to him. I glanced at him a few times, his silver eyes were really focused on the movie.

I could tell he was thinking. Maybe he was seeing some of the same signs the vampire in the movie showed as I did? I sure hoped not. Telling them I was a vampire would be easier without Tobi glaring down at me. Of course I would overthink that. Tobi is understanding, I doubt he would actually glare down at me. But in my mind he might and I really didn't want that. What was I to do? Tell them all right here right now? Or wait till I had to, or got into a situation where I had to tell them? I just don't know! I sighed softly while hugging the pillow in my lap. I had curled up around it a bit. Ethan glanced at me, looking over Tobi.

"Maxx you ok?" he asked, catching me off guard. I jumped and covered my mouth to keep from squeaking, I nodded briefly. Embarrassed that Ethan had startled me. I hugged the pillow closer. Hiding my pink face into the soft fabric. Though I did hear Ethan giggle since he saw my face before I had hid it.

I hope Tobi hadn't seen it, since that make it worse. I unhid my face and looked at him and Theo. Both of them focused on the movie on right now. I was glad for that, at least they wouldn't see me blushing. Though I could see Ethan looking at me with a smile on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him and looked at the TV. Of course Twilight was still playing, we hadn't gotten but half way through it. I stood and stretched, setting the pillow back in its place. That made Tobi look at me.

"Where are you going?" he asked, since I had stood. I looked at him.

"Nowhere really, I was just getting cramped." I answered.

"Makes sense you were curled up around that pillow." states Theo, making us both look at him.

"I mean I was hugging it. I have nothing else to hug, unlike you." I said, putting my hands on my hips while looking at the eyeless boy.

"Oh shut it Maxx." He snapped a bit, focused on the movie again.

Ethan giggled lightly, even though both him and I hated fights we both knew it was all playful. No matter how rude it sounded. Though with Theo and Tobi it would get out of hand. We usually ended up calling dad or Tom to get the two to stop. Sometimes even Tord. But that was only when it got really bad. Since Tord was able to control Tobi really well. But then again, the guy is an army leader right now and Tobi was in the army so he would have to listen to his dad. No matter what happened.

"Earth to Maxx." Tobi said, waving his hand in front of my face.

"What?" I asked. I noticed they had all gotten up and the TV was now turned off. I tilted my head a small bit. "What's happening?"

"If you hadn't zoned out you would've known. We were asking if you wanted to come with us to go out for the night." states Tobi. Putting his hands in his overcoat.

"Of course I'm coming! There was no way you guys were going to leave me here." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"We would've left you if Tobi hadn't brought you back to earth." mutters Theo playfully. Earning a playful nudge from Ethan.

"Of course we wouldn't have left you Maxx, you are a part of our group after all!" exclaims Ethan, glaring slightly at Theo with a playful look in his eyes. I looked back to Tobi.

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