What is the meaning of life and death?

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Life is supposed to be able to breathe, heart beating but does that mean you are living? What if the life you are living is from a dream that someone else is having pr a game someone is playing? Living Living is supposed to be a happy thing, but if you arent happy does that mean you arent living so then does that mean you are dead. No one mourned you or had a funeral for you. Do other people know this or can they see you? What if this is a dream that you think is real but when you wake up, you are still a baby? How do you talk about it or do you not realize it is a dream or life. Is it real or a morphed reality? What if you died right now, at this very moment, would you feel it? Would you know or would you wake up and be somewhere or someone else? Would you die in your sleep or did someone kill you? Would your morphed reality be different depending on how you died? What if dying was the end of troubles or the beginning of real happiness? Would you do it? What if you die and make the world a better place? So when you die the world is greener, they find a cure to all diseases. What if bills are cheaper or non-existent? People would live longer and happier lives. Would you sacrifice yourself? If some told you it was for the greater good. Is blood magic almost like that? But you would have to use your own or something you love, like when Thanos sacrificed gamora for the soul stone. But how much would you need before you die? Would it be easier to die? Would that save time and speed up the process. So when you cut yourself by mistake or on purpose, if you make a wish would it come true? Was it enough to save someone? Did it make you feel better if you thought it did? But magic could be different. Maybe its the wrong chants or spell, crazy intentions or maybe it was harmful to others. But again I guess that depends on your path of living and dying. What if you do die and it didnt even hit the pond like it was supposed to. Its just floating above the water not sinking. Is that bad or good? But floating might not be bad, I mean you dint sink like the rest and hitting rock bottom. But now you are alone and can't reach the others. Is that special or is that a punishment? Was it on purpose, they smiled in your face, so you think you are apart of the group not knowing they are using you and the more you try, they move away. Is it that you are special and because you tried, you get to be above them and the reason you cant reach them is that they would only bring you down to sink and drown in their hatred and pettiness. Making you feel insecure and unconfident in yourself. Is it better to be like everyone else or be true to yourself? Some people would say, you shouldnt stand out because people would think you are weird and you wouldnt have a happy life, But the people who are true to themselves would say you dont need other people's approval to be happy. So which one to be? You or everyone else.



Drip. Wait

What is that sound? Is it water or blood? What does it look like? Does it have a smell? Is it getting dark? Why is there pain in my chest? Are you dehydrated or did you do it? I guess you did, is it deep enough? Did you get to say your goodbyes? Do you see a light or is it getting darker? Is it peaceful or does it feel hot, maybe cold? Maybe you would wake up.


Do you hear it, hmmm, the shadows from your mind? They have faces now, why do they look so familiar. Like you see them every day, in your dreams or the voices from your head. The things you could see when no one else can. They things you dont tell anyone else about because you know they would classify you as crazy



Is the dripping getting louder? The shadows have finally formed and are connecting. They are surrounding you, some are smiling, some are laughing, some are looking down at you and the biggest one is congratulating you. Congratulating you for finally doing something right for once.



Damn for once. I did something right, killing myself was the right choice and finally did something good. Should I smile or ask for a do-over. If I do-over my death, would I make it more happy or dramatic? Would people notice or would they say about time and laugh? Most likely the latter. I mean no one cared or loved me. They all had a mask on to hide their true intentions.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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