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Brae'lynn was now back her house and she was home alone.

This is the perfect opportunity. She thought to herself.

She was so depressed and sad. She hated everything about her.

She got on her phone and started looking at a video form her older brother Kahlil's 16th birthday.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kahlil, happy birthday to you"

"LOVE YOU BIG BROTHER" little brae'lynn yelled.

Brae'lynn started crying.

She missed her family so much.

She layed back and started thinking about the memories she had with them.

Like that one time she changed her younger sister Brielle for the first time.

Or that one time when she went on a roller-coaster with Kahlil and her older sister Kamari and she ended up vomiting everywhere.

She wanted to be with her family she hated life without them.

She walked upstairs to Christine and Austin's room and grabbed pills off the bed.

She grabbed a pen some paper and a knife.

She walked upstairs to the bathroom and swallowed the whole bottle of pills.

She started writing her suicide note.

Hey I'm writing this note so everyone knows why I did this.
I've been hurting for so long and I don't know what else to do.
I miss my family and no matter how many people say it's not my fault I feel like it is.
I want you guys to wear black and gold to my funeral.
Austin, Christine, Terrell, Alivia, Cam,Dior and Huncho this is not yall fault I love yall forever and always. Goodbye.


At this point the pills started to kick in. Brae'lynn was kind of high.

Brae'lynn grabbed a knife and started cutting. Blood was everywhere.

She cut deep into one of her veins and it hurt so good.

"Come here, be with us" A familiar voice said.

She looked over and it was her mom.

"We miss you" her sister said.

Brae'lynn blinked and saw her father,brother and little sister.

"Come brae'lynn we miss you we love you" they all said.

Brae'lynn felt so happy.

She walked over to them and hugged them.

But all of a sudden her vision went black.

To be continued......

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