Chapter 11

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I woke up to a screaming Lily.
"Get up damnit!" I hear her annoying voice.
"Nooo." I groan.
"I will beat you!" She threatens.
"Ryan will protect me." I mutter loud enough for her to hear.
"Damn it I will beat him to." She yells. I bolt up and open the door.
"What its like 7 am!" I complain.
"No actually its 11 and get dressed were all going out to eat at the IHOP connected to the mall." She informs me. I nod and shut my door. I look up to see a sexy looking Ryan,. One arm propped up holding his head while he lays on his side.
I stare at his bare chest a second to long.
"Does it look that good?" He smiles cockily.
I shrug and grab out purple leggings, a black skirt and a Avril Lavigne shirt. I quickly get dressed and brush my hair and teeth. I look over to see Ryan in some faded jeans, a plaid shirt and a car hart jacket, with of course a baseball hat. I smiled before taking his hand and pulling him down the stairs. Once we get to the door I slip on my skater sneakers and Ryan hands me my old phone and my purse. I smiled and ran to Lily, Brandon, Alec and Chase. They were waiting by the truck.
"Brandon in the passenger seat, Alec and Chase in the back." I said grinning. Lily looked over at me and saw me glance towards the bed of the truck.
"Babe you forgot your other ring!" Ryan said catching up to me. He handed it to me and I slipped it on my other hand. I smiled and he got in the truck. Me and Lily jumped in the back and held on to a bar he has in the back. He tore out of the driveway and went at a nice speed where me and Lily didn't have to hang on. A few minutes later we started to pass the skate park when we saw Seth and James with Maya's and Drakes crew.
"Sethieeee pooh!!!!!!!" I yelled waving. Him and James looked up.
"Girl your crazy don't get hurt!" James yelled.
"Haha as if." I yelled. Lily smirked at me and we hit the roof. We quickly held on and Ryan picked up the speed. Tearing away from there we quickly got to the mall and unloaded.
"Don't ya'll have cops in this town?" Ryan asked.
"Yep, but they don't care." Lily smiled before leading us into IHOP.
"Hi, welcome to IHOP. Table for 6?" Some redhead asked. Her eyes wandering to Ryan.
"Yes please." Lily smiled.
"Right this way." She lead us to a circle booth. It was huge. I sat in the middle next to Lily and Ryan. I noticed the waitress checking out Ryan's body. I looked to Lily and frowned. Lily looked up and elbowed me. Telling me to grow some balls.
"Excuse I would love to have a different waitress if thats possible. As long as they don't check out my soon to be husband!" I nearly growled showing her the engagement ring.
Her face redden and she nodded taking off. A few seconds later a man came up and smiled.
"Hi, my name is Kurt, what can I get you guys today for drinks?" He asks.
"Me and my soon to be wife would love chocolate milk." Ryan says smiling at me.
"Me and my boyfriend here would love some Pepsi." Lily says politely.
"Me and my little brother here would like some water." Alec says throwing his arm over Chase, who showed annoyance towards Alec.
"I'm younger by 30 seconds!" He grunts.
"Still younger." Alec chuckles.
"Whatever." Chase mutters.
"Okay then. I will be right back with your drinks." He says smiling.
"He's totally gay! Chase he was checking you out!!" Lily says happily.
"Yeah and Alec here had to fuck it up already." Chase mumbles.
"Chase! You never told me!" I said feeling left out.
"I was actually in your room. Talking to your dog. Wishing it was you to have said it to but nooo Lily just had to quietly walk in while I was saying it!" He groans.
"Awwh Chase. I'm sorry." I said patting his hand.
"Its fine." He mumbles looking at the menu.
"I want French toast!" I smile.
"Same." I heard everyone mutter.
"Stop copying me guys!" I tease.
"Hey are you guys ready to order?" Kurt asks totally checking out Chase.
"Chaseeeeee you can order for us!" I smile.
"Uh we all agreed on French toast." Chase says shyly looking up. Kurt nodded and sent him a smile.

We all ate breakfast and were heading out. I took a sharpie out and wrote chase's number down on it and put it under the tip sneakily. We walk out and head to the malls food court just to hangout. When people started moving tables and girls started dancing to timber by Kesha and pitbull. Lily grabbed my arm and pulled my right into the middle of the dance floor. Lily was a twerker and I could grind. We kept switching off on what we would do but the second pitbull started singing I start swinging Lily around like in the country movies. Soon enough that song was over. Just as I was walking away I heard Maya yelling at people to back up. Maya, Claire, and Lucy walking into the middle as the song fancy came on. I rolled my eyes. Maya dared me to challenge her with her eyes. I looked behind me to see Lily had my back. I smirked and watched at Claire backed up so it would just be a two on two battle. I looked back to Ryan and sent him a wink. I watched at Maya and Lucy sang along to the song like some rich girl. It got quiet boring actually. Until a guy came up and asked me what song me and Lily wanted to sing to. I smiled after he walked away and I heard holler back girl come on. Lily smirked and we automatically knew the lyrics from song. We obviously were gonna dance while we sung.
I pulled off my rings and handed them to Ryan not thinking about it. I smiled and walked back to the circle. Know we didn't have enough room me and Lily backed people up more. As I passed Drake and Mason. I shoved them back like the others. The second I shoved Drake I felt the sparks shit. I looked him in the eyes and his eyes were full of hurt. He could smell the ring was magic now that its off me. I shrugged and backed away a few more people before going to the middle of the circle. I started dancing as the background music came on. Then Gwen's voice starts and I looked at Lily and smiled.
'Uh huh this is my shit! All the girls stomp your feet like this!

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