Chapter 16: The Last Chapter!

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I was sitting in this dreadful tree for over a half hour when I suddenly saw movement in the house. He was looking out the window. I jumped down from the tree and walked towards the house. Sick of the waiting game. I walk up his porch quietly and knock. I hear him bump into something. I made my voice lower to sound like a guy.
"This is the police open the door." I ordered trying not to laugh.
"Haha a cop? At my door. Dustin what are you doing here?" He laughs walking towards the door. I quickly hide in the side of the wall and the second he opens the door and I jump out, shocking him, he takes a few steps back and I shut the door behind me walking right to the chair. Let's scare him a bit before killing him.
"I hope you don't mind that I sit down." I smile. He freezes and looks at me.
"N-not at all." He stuttered. I nodded and looked around. I spotted a recent photo on his wall. My mom was in the picture with another man and him. Looks like a graduation photo.
"You uh just graduated?" I asked feeling my voice about to give out. I remember asking my dad one day for a brother or sister. He said I would have had a big brother but he died on the way back from the hospital a year before I was born. My mom must have cheated on my dad with his dad. She obviously didn't want my dad to know it wasn't his. How did she have time to see him but spend family time and work? I then look to see more pictures of him when he was younger with my mom. I then spot the middle photo. It was a picture of me. Except I don't look anything like that. It was a picture of me and mom at the fair when I was 8. I look back to the guy who's staring at my picture.
"Who is she?" I asked.
"Shes my sister. I will meet her one day." He says.
"Would she want to meet an evil monster like you?" I asked.
"I don't know. I figured I'd watch over her for a while. Figure out her lifestyle and fit myself into it some day. I want to be the big brother I'm suppose to be." He sighs.
"It's not fair." I mutter.
"Whats not?" He asks.
"You got to know about her growing up but she didn't know about you." I sigh.
"How would you know? Maybe shes looking for me." He points out hopeful.
"Shes not. She's looking right at you." I say standing up.
"What do you mean?" He asks looking over the photo than me.
"Thats me. I was 8, the fair was in town so we went. My dad took the picture." I said remembering the exact day.
"Oh god. I was gonna make my sister a monster." He says covering his mouth.
"Nice to know I have a brother out there. My mom really was a hoe." I scoffed.
"She always had good things to say about you until I turned 13. Which means you were 12. Then she started talking about how horrible you were to her. How you ran off and changed your name." He says looking over me.
"That was the day my dad died. Well turned into a vampire." I sighed.
"I turned into a vampire a year ago. My friend josh was recruiting people to get you. He got killed and left the mission to me." He sighs.
"Yeah well when he turned he pretended to have cancer. The second he died and the police left she started beating me. Two years of that shit. She had a witch turn me into a wolf and I was on my own for another two years. I then turned back and the witch took me in. Well a few days ago I was on the news." I said pausing for a second.
"The girl who got beat up?" He ask looking at my skin for bruises.
"Yeah well she was the adult. Now shes trying for custody which I have to be at the courthouse in 5 hours." I said rubbing my eyes.
"I never knew. I'm so sorry Crystal." He said pulling me into a hug.
"Yeah well I gotta get back. I need sleep." I said yawning.
"Rest here. I'll go out and get you an outfit for court and you can sleep. I'll wake you up in four hours." He said looking at his watch.
"I only need a half hour to get ready to wake me up in four and a half hours." I smirked. He nods and takes off out the door. I roll my eyes and look around. I noticed two bedrooms. One being his and an extra. I go lay down in the guest bedroom and fall asleep.

I woke up to a creak on a floor board in the livingroom. I sniffed and smelled an odd scent. It wasn't the guy who is my brother either it was a girl. I heard another door open.
"What are you doing here?" I heard my brother ask.
"I came to see you. I have court in an hour and wanted to see if you wanted to come meet your sister." I heard my moms voice.
"Leave." Was the only word out of his mouth. I looked over to see a clock on the wall saying I had an hour before court. I got up and silently walked out of the room and saw her. She looked at him like he insulted her.
"Young man you have been begging to meet her and now your being rude to your mother!" She yells.
"Your not a mother. Your an abuser." He says. I watched as he noticed me. His eyes pleading for me to go back into the room. I shook my head and she turned around, following his gaze. Her eyes widen when she spotted me.
"Mother." I gritted out.
"Crystal, how did you meet Nathan?" She asks. Oh his name is Nathan.
"I met him 5 hours ago. I came to see him." I lied. She nods and looks to Nathan.
"Sooo she told you?" She asks him.
"She did. How could you do that to your daughter? Get out of my house. We'll see you in court." He says sternly. She shakes her head.
"Oh so your going with her? How do you know she isn't spreading lies? You met hours ago! You've known me your whole life!" She yells.
"She has no reason to lie and the news kinda proves any thing she said." He says pushing her out.
"You'll be mine soon Crystal. Back in mommy's care where I can beat you again like the pathetic little girl you are." She grunts before leaving.
"She will never have you again. I will make sure of it." He says taking deep breaths to calm down. I shake my head and grab the outfit out of his hands before running to the shower. Thank god he has electricity. I get in and notice he has girl products in here. I chuckle and quickly wash everything before getting out and drying myself completely before throwing on the clothes. I look in the small mirror to see my hair was already straightened and looked freshly brushed. I walked out to see a note saying he'll meet me there. I roll my eyes and speed off to Trevor's house. I noticed Lily outside. She spots me and runs to me.
"Oh god. We were all scared. Even Drake went looking for you. Where were you?" She asks. I told her I'd tell her later and hopped on my bike. I drove to the courthouse to see Lisa's limo. I chuckled, only she would take a limo to a court house. I walk up to the door and smiled as the security guards searched me. I walked towards the court room to see Lisa and my brother Nathan standing outside of it. I walked up to them and hugged Lisa. She smiles and hugs me tightly back.
"I won't let her get you." She promises before letting go. I nod as the big doors open.
"Custody battle: Mary Clear verse Lisa Clear." The officer announced. Nathan followed us in and sat in a chair behind us. I looked over to see my so called mother fake crying. Her lawyer patted her back in comfort. The judge came out and scanned over us. I automatically noticed it to be a werewolf from Drakes pack. He looked me over with saddened eyes. He obviously read over the case. Seeing I was abused he felt bad for his rightful Luna. I nodded secretly and he looked over to my mother.
"I've read this file over and over again. I also watch the news daily ma'am. I talked with the judge who's assigned your case for assault on a minor. This minor happened to be the daughter your trying to get custody of, am I correct?" He asks.
"I never hurt my baby girl!" She fake cried.
"Liar!" I yelled standing up.
"You beat me endless times after my father died! You abandoned me! Grandma adopted me! You lost your rights the day you sent me to the streets!" I yelled anger consuming me. I felt my fangs ache, begging to come out. My mind begged me to end her pathetic life, but some where's in my heart it reminded me she was a amazing mom when my father was alive. She did everything for me. Also if it wasn't for her doing what she did I wouldn't be who I am today. I cursed under my breath and sat back down.
"You have no evidence of Mrs Clear actually beating Crystal." Her lawyer says.
"But we do. I had a clip sent in of Mrs Clear assaulting Crystal in the mall parking lot." The judge says eyeing up my mother, clear disgust on his face. I could also smell the anger pouring out of him. He was just hiding it very well.
"I have decided to terminate Mrs Clears rights and have a restraining order against her. She can no longer come within 500 feet of Crystal." The judge says signing a few papers.
"You can't do that!" My mom yelled.
"Ma'am say your goodbyes." The judge said watching her closely.
She turns to me with this evil smile. I rolled my eyes at her and waited for her goodbye.
"You may no longer be legally mine but remember you can not hide! I will find you always! That's how a mother is. She can't be separated from her daughter." She says. Suddenly the court doors open up with a sheriff and two other officers with a piece of paper. I snorted when my eyes focused on it. It was a warrant for her arrest.
"What's going on?" The judge asks.
"Sorry to disturb the meeting sir but a warrant came in for Mrs Clears arrest." The sheriff says. My mom looked over at them shocked.
"For what?" She asks as they start to hand cuff her.
"For assault on a minor, neglect and abuse of a child." He states. I watch as she begs for them not to take her. They pull her out of the room and I laugh.
"Karma is a bitch." I snickered. I heard everyone besides her lawyer laugh, her lawyer then picked his belongings up and rushed out the door to follow her.
"Well Crystal. Good luck. I hope to never have to see you in here again." He chuckles.
"Thanks judge." I smiled before skipping out of the room.
"How'd it go?" I heard Drakes voice. I turned to him to see a stone cold face.
"She's safe." Nathan says putting an arm on my shoulder.
"Your friends with him now?" Drake growls lowly.
"He's my brother. Don't worry we're leaving your land." I hissed. I grabbed Nathan and walked out of the court house, meeting Lisa at her Limo.
"Your the next goddess aren't you?" She asks as I approach her.
"Yeah. Kinda I guess." I shrugged.
"Well I'm heading back to my sisters. Come find me if you need me." She says getting into her limo. I look to Nathan and smirk.
"How'd you get here?" I asked.
"I ran." He shrugs I gesture to my bike and he chuckles.
"Can I drive it?" He asks.
"Yeah I need to run anyways." I said handing him the key. He gets on and looks to me.
"Trevor's house. I'll see you there." I nodded before taking off. I ran the the clearing where Drake left me that day. I looked over the cliff.
"Do you come here often?" I heard Drakes voice. I turned to see him and frowned.
"Sorry I just need a minute and I'll get off your land." I said looking back over the cliff. There was water and sharp rocks at the bottom. It would surely kill anyone.
"Crystal." Drake mumbles. I feel my body shiver with pleasure. I felt a tear drop down and turned to look at him. I wiped my eye and looked over him. Still no emotion.
"Goodbye Drake." I said before taking off. I run through the woods, passing animals here and there. I felt my throat start to burn and found a buck eating. I lunged at the buck and sunk my fang into his throat. I drank from him rather fast and took off. I felt myself run over Drakes border and sighed. I ran straight to Trevor's old house and saw everyone staring Nathan down.
"Hey everyone. I'm back!" I exclaim. Everyone gives me a quick glance before their eyes turn back to Nathan. I rolled my eyes and walked up to Nathan.
"Everyone meet Nathan. Nathan meet everyone. Guys, Nathan is my brother." I smiled.
"No way! Your brother tried to turn you evil!" Lily yelled. Nathan automatically looked hurt. I gave him a tight hug. Lily walked up and smacked him before hugging him.
"So what's going on with Drake?" She asks looking at me.
"I need to stay off his land. I'm thinking about moving. Maybe to Maine or Vermont. They have good terrain and lots of wildlife." I state.
"You can't leave." Seth speaks up. I look over to him with a sad smile.
"I need to move on. I can't stay some where's, where I can smell my mates scent but can't be with him." I sighed. I smelled a rouge wolf near. It was outback behind the house. Near my wolves pen. I hissed lowly before silently running behind the house. There was a huge gray wolf. He was growling lowly at my wolves. He must have smelt my scent because his head turned my way. He growled at me and my fangs begged to come out, my mind begging me to show him how strong we are. He slowly walks my way and gets up to ten feet away from me.
"I'm not in the mood for little fucking wolves to be messing with my wolves." I hissed, my fangs popping out. He growled loudly and I could hear paws pounding off the ground in the distance. One smell stood out. Drake's, I inhaled it closing my eyes and felt my body hit the ground. My eyes flew open to see the gray wolf on me. He snapped at my face and cut my cheek open.
"You fucked with the wrong girl." I hissed. I felt my eyes turn color as I grabbed his snout. He thrashed around over my body. I dig my nails into his fur and he growled. I pushed him off and jumped up. I scanned over myself to see scratch marks down my legs. I frowned and looked towards the wolf. He looked like he was ready to pounce on me, but a black wolf hit him in the side. Making him roll over. The black wolf repeatedly bit him in several places before taking a step back. The gray wolf looked up to me before shifting. The second his manhood was visible I shrieked and closed my eyes. A second later the gray wolf man spoke up.
"I'm decent." He chuckled. I opened my eyes to see a handsome guy. He had the looks.
"Who are you?" Drake asked coldly. I looked over to see Drake in shorts and a white see through shirt. I could just picture his muscled arms holding me tightly to him.
"Who is she? You protected her and it's free man lands." The rouge laughed.
"I am none of your business." I hissed at him.
"You must be of some importance. Werewolves and vampires rarely protect eachother." The rouge says amused. I hiss at him warningly.
"He was a friend of my ex. He promised his friend he would protect me when he died." I lied. I think the rouge knew it was a lie cause he laughed loudly.
"Well rouge. You can either tell us who you are or I can kill you. It really doesn't bother me if I knew who you are or not." Drake says with a bored tone.
"Well tell me this girls name and I'll gladly tell you what ever." He said winking at me.
"I'm Crystal." I said rolling my eyes.
"Crystal." He says trying it out on his tounge. Suddenly Nathan and my dad appeared next to me. They look over the rouge and hiss at him.
"Oh a family of vampires. How cute." He says winking towards me.
"Your face is about to be really bloody if you don't start talking." I hissed.
"I'm Doug. I was passing through and decided to harass these young wolves. Then I smelt you and looked up and saw a challenge." He smirks.
"What kind of challenge." I smirked.
"A fight." He says checking me out. I lunged at him going straight for his neck. I had his body under mine and he tried squirming to try to get out of my hold.
"I won bitch." I whispered into his ear.
"Wait!" He yells. I look into his eyes and I could tell he wanted to ask something.
"Hurray up and fucking ask what ever it is." I hissed.
"I more like wanted to say something. Don't let him reject you." He whispers into my ear. I sighed and shook my head.
"It's too late." I said before snapping his neck. I stood up and noticed all my cuts were fully healed. I smiled and looked back to my dad and Nathan.
"Well you handled yourself pretty well." Nathan smiled.
"Thanks." I said looking past them to see the whole group.
"Well I guess this is goodbye." I said walking to Lily who started bawling.
"No you can't leave." She cries. I frowned and hugged her tighter.
"Crystal, where are you going?" I heard Drake ask. I turned to him and smirked.
"So far away you won't have to worry about me again." I said before hugging Seth.
"Don't go." Drake said softly. I quickly turned to see his face soft and sad.
"Why?" I asked looked around.
"I need you." He says softly.
"No you don't. You even said you wanted me to stay off your lands!" I yelled.
"Crystal please." He pleaded taking a step towards me.
"Drake." I whimpered. He ran to me and pulled me into his arms tightly. I could feel fireworks going off in my body. My whole body was completely warmed up.
"Do you feel that? That's the bond. It's show's us that we're meant for each other." He whispers into my ear. I shake my head and pull him off me.
"I need time." I whispered before running off. Who knows where I'm going. I just know I need space.

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