Chapter 4

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We jump off my bike and Lily jumps to the ground.
"Land! Were safe! Thank you lord! I will never ride on that bike again with her driving!" She yells towards the sky. I chuckle as the guys pull in.
"I wasn't that bad. We didn't crash did we?" I asked her.
"Well now but-" I cut her off
"No buts we didn't crash which means I'm a great driver. I just love going fast, it makes me feel free." I comment. I hear the house door open and see Lisa coming out.
"G ma my friends are staying over okay?" I yell to her.
"Of course have fun, I actually need to go visit my sister for a week, I'll be back." She says putting a suitcase in her car. I smile and wave to her as she pulls out.
"Dude your grandmother is awesome shit!" Brandon says.
"Brandon why are you talking now? You never talked before..?" Alec asked him.
"Well uh I'm not sure. I think maybe Drake had something to do with it." He mutters.
"Speaking of the dick I saw him grabbing keys from some person who was selling that mansion." Chase says.
"I don't get why. He and a bunch of people moved way out to east bum in the woods to stay away from us. They hate us towns people but now there moving here. Fuck our lives, there gonna go back to being dicks to us." Lily says.
"I will cut off his balls." I mutter. Lily looks at me shocked.
"Don't say that in public! People will tell him. He will put you in the hospital trust me it's happened before!" Brandon yells. His face shows fear.
"Brandon what happened?" I ask softly. He grabs my hand and sits me in the truck with me. He locks the doors and turns to me.
"Everyone knows, but I never told them. One day Drake was being a dick to Lily in high school. He was Mr popular so no one stood up for her. She was a quiet girl. She never talked to any of us guys. She hide beneath a hoodie. Well he ripped her hood off her one day and broke her glasses. I ran up to him and punched him the face. He fell back and I yelled at him, telling him to leaver her the fuck alone. Well that night him and his 4 goons came to my house while my parents were at work and beat the shit out of me. The doctors said if my parents would have found me 20 minutes later I would be dead from blood loss. I was put on bed rest for 2 months. Once I went back to school I saw Lily with the guys. I was happy. She was no longer in a hoodie. She had contacts, she looked so beautiful. Drake told the whole school he beat my ass. Every since then no one has crossed him. He moved away after graduation and the town became happy. He would come into town once a week for food and other shit but other than that never." Brandon told me with tears streaming down his eyes. I pulled him into a hug and didn't let go for at least 5 minutes. He collected himself and got out.
"Guys get the bags! We got some shit to do!" I yell grabbing two bags. Mase grabbed all my bags of clothes. I give them the tour then we walk upstairs, we out the alcoholic drinks in the mini fridge and the snacks on the huge coffee table by the big circle couch. I showed Mase to my room and he put my bags on the floor. We walk back in and everyone smiling. Lily just looks around the room.
"You even have beds!!!" She squeals happily.
"Well yeah were else are we gonna sleep?" I asked confused.
"Well when I was younger we always slept end on the floor." She says.
"Oh well this room was designed especially for my sleep overs. So be jelly!" I say a ticking my tongue out. The guys chuckle and we sit down on the couch deciding what for dinner. Lily jumps up and grins.
"What now lily?" I ask.
"We could go to the Chinese buffet!!!" She yells. The guys cheer.
"Okay let me get my credit card." I say about to walk to my room. Mase grabs my hand.
"This one is on us, you bought us snacks, lunch and are letting us over for the night, this time we repay you." He says smiling. I look over the others who are nodding. I sigh and nod my head. We all walk down stairs and out the door. I lock it behind me and jump on my bike.
"Who wants to ride with me?" I ask. Mason throws his keys at Brandon.
"Crash my truck and you die!" He yells. They all pile into the truck while Mason jumps on the back of my bike. The truck tears out of my driveway with me hot on their tail. We pass the mansion. To see the SUV leaving. It pulls out behind us.
"Mase!" I yell loudly.
"Yea?" He yells back.
"Is the Chinese place in town? The SUV is behind us and its creepy." I yell louder this time.
"Yea, slow down when we get to town, and I'll show you!" He yells into my ear.
"Hold on tight babes!" I yell laughing. I rev the engine and check to see if its clear to pass. It just so happens to be clear. I speed up and pass Brandon. He flips us off and I laugh. I get in front of him and pop a wheelie.
"Are you trying to kill me?!?" Mase yells.
"Naw just tying to scare you!" I holler back. I speed up to get to the town quicker a few minutes later we hit the outskirts of town so I decide to slow down.
Once we get into town Brandon shows me where to go. We pull up to the buffet place. We jump off my bike and wait for Brandon.
"Come one Brandon! I'm hungry!" I complain. Mason laughs at me as they finally pull in. I drop to my knees and throw my hands to the sky. I hear another vehicle pull in but I ignore it and I start shouting at the sky.
"Thank god, thank you lord for letting Brandon finally get here!" I shout I hear people laughing. I look up to Brandon.
"You drive slow." I comment standing up, brushing off my pants.
"No I don't you just drive crazy! One of these days you'll go to fast and get into an accident." He says pulling me inside. A lady shows us to a long table that 5 feet from another one. We put out stuff down and go fill our plates so there packed. When I sit back down I notice some coats on the chairs at the other table. Well we got food buddies. I snort at myself and Mase sits down next to me and Brandon across from me.
"Brandon if that day does come, you can tell me you told me so!" I said sticking out my tongue. Brandon tenses up and I lean over.
"Come on, it's not like I would die. Jeez Brandon." I said taking his hand.
He starts shaking and someone laughs to my right I look over to see Drake.
"Outside now!" I say to Drake. I walk out ahead of him. Once he comes out so does my friends and his. He smirks at me.
"If you wanted me you could have just said it in there." He says.
"Drake shut the fuck up. I swear if you ever go near Brandon or Lily or any of my friends I will personally cut your balls off and feed them to the wolves." I yell in his face. A guy from his little crew pulled me away.
"Do you know what he did to the past person who yelled in his face, or even disrespected him for that matter." The guy said. I pushed him off me and walked up to Drake smiling. He looked down at me with livid eyes. I smiled innocently, brought my fist back and decked him in the face. The second my fist connected with his nose someone grabbed my wrist very tight. I let out a cry and he twisted it more and I hear a crack. My wrist was released to see Mason holding his wrist.
"Damn girl, you just hit Drake! Your lucky your not in the hospital!" Lily says.
I look back at Drake who was holding his nose, blood pouring out, getting all over his shirt. I look to Alec and Lily.
"Go pay. Were leaving." I said loudly. I feel someone grab my arm and without looking I punched them square in the face. I turned to see Mason on the ground, looking at me shocked. I got on my knees and held his face.
"I'm so sorry Mase! I didn't mean it. Oh god, Mase please for give me." I beg.
"Haha you throw one hell of a punch, ouch, that really hurt dude." Mason groans. I help him up and look at Brandon who was watching drakes moves. Drake looked at Brandon grinning. Brandon backed away a few steps. Drake would have step towards him but I got right in his face again and pushed him back.
"Did you not fucking hear me? I thought I made myself clear! Do you wanna get decked in the face by a 16 year old? Again!" I yelled. He grabbed my wrists and held them extremely tight. I lighted my knee right to his baby maker. He groaned and fell back.
"Stay the fuck away from us! If you see us, fucking walk the other way!" I shouted as Alec and Lily came out. Lily looked at the scene with horror filled eyes.
"Let's go to my place and start this party!" I said laughing. Mase got on my bike and I hopped in behind him. We all took off speeding down the road. I left my hands in the air and shouted!
"I'm free! I'm so free! Fuck you Drake and your little pussys!!!!" I screamed. We passed the mansion to see a few moving trucks and a ton of people there. Damn. We continue down the road and pull into my driveway. We all run inside, locking the door and up to the sleep over room. We pull out the beer and snacks and pig out.

Two hours later almost everyone was passed out. Chase and Seth were passed out on two different couches, Alec was asleep on one of the beds. Brandon and Lily were passed out cuddling on another bed, and me and Mason were getting ready for bed. I walked out of the bathroom from brushing my teeth and back in to the room.
"Man they drank way to much!" Mason says as I walk back into the room.
"Yup. They sure did. Well goodnight and sweet dreams." I said grabbing one of the empty beds. Mason takes the bed that is right next to mine. After an hour of not falling asleep I sat up. I looked over at Mason who was sleeping peacefully looking my way.
Damn, in one day, I found an old friend, made new amazing friends, decked a guy in the face and had a sleep over. I looked at the clock. 12. Damn it's only midnight. I got up and walked down stairs to find a box of pizza still in the fridge. I take a few pieces out and sit next to the kitchen window the peers into the back yard, followed by woods. After eating my first piece I look back out to see 2 yellow eyes. I jump at first until I realize is just a wolf. It looks at me with confusion. I take another bite and he comes out of the woods line. The big black wolf. Drake.
"Missing your girl wolf babe?" I mumble before taking another bite. After I said that I hear a murderous growl. It approaches the window. Hatred in its eyes.
"D-did you hear me?" I mumble quieter. He nods his head. He continued until he was 5 feet from the window. I heard a low growl escape his lips. He looked ready to kill me.
"Drake don't do this." I muttered. He perked up in shock staring at me wide eyed.
"Shit I said that out loud." I say getting up from the table. I backed out of the room and ran upstairs. Quickly jumping on Masons bed. He sits up in alarm.
"Crystal? Whats wrong?" He asks.
"I was down stairs getting some ice for water and I saw a wolf." I mumble.
"Yea we have some really large wolves out here, that's why no one goes in the woods." He says pulling me into a hug. I hug him back and we lay down, me in his arms.
It feels perfect.
"What feels perfect?" Mason asks.
"I said that out loud?" I asked nervously.
"Well yeah I can't read minds." He chuckles.
"Oh just my new life, having amazing friends who are awesome and epic like me." I partly lie. It is perfect but that wasn't what I mean't when I said it feels perfect.
"Goodnight Crystal." He mumbles.
"Goodnight Mason." I whisper falling asleep slowly.

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