Chapter 6

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Beep, beep, beep. Thats what I heard when I woke up. I sat up and felt pain shoot through my shoulder. I winced at the pain.
"Ah Crystal your up. Hi I'm doctor Gary." Some older man says. I take in his features. Bam. Thats when I remember him! He's the pack doctor.
"Its nice to meet you again." He smiles.
"What?" I ask. I really know who he is.
"Your the wolf girl." He says smiling. "My alphas mate."
"Please don't tell him!" I plead. A frown shows on his face.
"Why?" He asks.
"Just please. Promise me!" I scream.
"I promise luna." He says bowing his head.
"Thank you." I say. I sigh and run my hand through my hair.
"When can I go home?" I ask.
"In an hour. Your grandma is picking you up." He says.
"Shes gone for a week." I inform him.
"We called her. She said she'll pick you up then bring you home." He informs me.
"Where Drake?" I ask.
"In jail." He says sighing.
"Why?" I ask a bit worried.
"Humans were at the party. The cops came and took him to jail." He says now completely frowning. I sigh and scan the room.
"Where am I?" I ask.
"My clinic." He says looking down.
"Why not the hospital?" I ask.
"All werewolves come here. You still have the spell in your system. So the hospital would get wolf genes in the blood. Can't have the secret of this magical world getting out to human huh." He smiles.
"Oh well uh could I have some normal clothes?" I ask looking down at the hospital gown. He nods and grabs a bag from the chair in the corner.
"A girl named Lily brought these here. Her and a bunch of guys are in the waiting room." He says. I nod and he walks out. I quickly dress and jump back in the bed. The doctor walks in a couple minute later with a pill bottle. He hands it to me.
"It's for the pain." He says.
"Uh I have a question." I mumble.
"Whats the question?" He asks.
"When is Drake getting out of jail?" I ask.
"Well right now he's appearing before a judge. If he's convicted guilty then he'll get charged with attempted murder. If not he'll walk free." He says sitting down.
"How long will he get if guilty?" I ask.
"Anywheres from 5 to life." He says quietly.
"How do u know all this?" I ask curiously.
"We have a thing called mindlink where we can talk in our minds, he's updating uh every 5 minutes." He says pointing to his head.
"What was the last update?" I ask as his eyes cloud over. For a few minutes he's totally silent. Once I notice his eyes are back to normal he sighs.
"Why did your eyes cloud over?" I ask.
"Thats mind link. He just told the whole pack that he is walking away free." He says.
"Why did you sigh then? Isn't that good news?" I ask.
"Uh yeah but now the court ordered him to stay way from you. If he's caught near you he's going to jail for life." He sighs loudly.
"Thats good. At least he's not going to jail." I say.
"No it's not good. The ring blocks the mate connection, the sparks when you touch and your mate scent, but it doesn't stop him from noticing your more beautiful then everyone else." He says quietly.
"Okay.." I trail off.
"If you ever take off that ring, he'll know instantly. We can't stay far from our mates. He would break the courts order. They'd bring him to jail but he would break out or kill himself. We can't stay away from our mates. If we are forced to or they die, we end up slowly dying, never eating, we become depressed and those are the people who are to scared to take theirs lives. Others will straight up kill themselves." He says with a tear falling down his cheeks.
"Why are you crying?" I ask, I slowly get up and pull him in to comforting hug.
"If he can't mate with you then we won't have a luna." He says quietly.
"Whats a luna?" I ask.
"Shes the female leader, she shows love, compassion and support, while the alpha shows strength, leadership, and protects us." He mumbles.
"I'm sorry. I just couldn't let him kill the wolves. I was there when they were born, I hunted, protected and help raised them." I say sadly.
"Just like a luna." He smiles. I rub his back when there's a knock at the door. I step back and open the door. Lisa pulls me into a big hug.
"Oh baby, are you okay?" She asks concerned.
"Yes grandma I'm fine." I admit. The doctor has her fill out papers, I walk out of the room to see my group. They all spot and and run up to me, pulling me into a huge hug. I smile and hug them all back. We all sit down and talk until Lisa comes out. We all walk out to the cars. I jumped in with Lisa and Lily while the guys took the truck. The guys went home and Lily came back to my place. We get home and me and Lily go to my room. We order pizza and turn on spongebob. I look over at her to notice a tear running down her cheek. I wrap her in a hug.
"Whats wrong?" I ask. She pulls away and wipes the tears away.
"Nothing." She lies.
"Lily you are my number 1 bestfriend! You better tell me!" I yell.
"I uh, well my mom kicked me out a few weeks ago. I have been living in the streets." She admits. I look her over, hoping shes lying. She's not though.
"You living here with me, this bed is to big for just me anyways!" I squeal. She looks at me shocked. Guess she wasn't expecting me to say that huh.
"What about clothes?" She asks. My door swings open.
"Call me grandma!" Lisa yells smiling. She walks out and comes back in with a weird credit card maker. She makes a credit card. She hands it to Lily. The cards name was Lily Clear. She smiles and happy tears run down her face. She hugs Lisa.
"I will call the bank and and have them set up the card to make sure when you use it, it takes the money from my account." Lisa says smiling. Lily thanks her over a hundred times before the doorbell rang. I grabbed money off my dresser and ran down to the door. I opened it to see a guy built like crazy. I smile and he pulls me close.
"Drake wanted me to tell you he's sorry. He will never forgive himself." He says.
"Uhh okay." I say handing the dude the money. He hands me the pizza and I shut the door. I walk to the kitchen to see Lily and Grandma setting up plates and drinks. I set the pizza down and take the window seat. Half way during the dinner I looked out the window to see Drake in wolf form. His eyes showing pain. I shake it off and take a sip of water. After I finish my food I look back out I see him now turning around. He looks back one more time to meet my gaze. He perks up and turns back around. He nods towards the back door. I sigh and shake my head no. He lays down on the grass at the tree line and doesn't move.
"Why did you just shake your head?" Lily asks.
"Cause I can't believe my best friend is now living with me!" I squeal. She smiles and finishes her pizza. I put the left overs in the fridge.
"Okay girls, lily's credit card is now set up, I'll be back in 5 days." Gram says, me and Lily hug her and walk her out. We wave as she takes off.
"I'm going to bed." Lily announces. I nod and sit down in the living room. I turned on Bad Grandpa and laughed my ass off during the whole movie. After it was finished I walked into the kitchen. I poured a glass of water and shut off the light. As I did that I heard a scratching at the back door. I screamed and dropped my glass. It shattered and I tempted to run. Key word. Tempted. I stepped on the broke glass and cried out and fell on my ass. I hit the floor with a bom. I heard the back door break open. There stand the black wolf. Drake. Ugh! He scans me over and concern fills his eyes when he sees glass in my feet and legs. I see his eyes cloud over. After his eyes went back to yellow we just sat there and stared. A second later Doctor Gary and a guy walk in. The guy lifts me up on a chair and Gary gets to work on my legs first. Then the guy throws a pair of shorts at Drake he trots back outside. A second later I heard bones breaking. I winced at the sudden pain from Doctor Gary pulling out a sharp piece of glass. I look up to see Drake in the room, wearing shorts. He looks back down at me in pain as he takes in the huge bandages on my shoulder.
"I'm so sorry." He says quietly.
"You should be! You almost killed those poor wolves!" I whispered.
"Those thing will be put to death once I get home." He says. I glare at him and push the doctor off me, I run up to him and socked him in the face. Hard. He tumbles back and looks at me confused.
"Why did you just punch me?" He asks like I'm insane.
"If you kill those wolves I will call the state police and tell them you were here!" I snap.
"I promise I won't! Please don't call them!" He begs.
"I want a enclosure in my back yard, your giving them to me." I say.
"No way! They'll kill you.." He says.
"No, when you got close to me they wanted to kill you. Tell one of your pack members to let them out, they'll smell me out and come find me." I smile.
"No they won't." He chuckles.
"Do it, if they don't you can bug me anytime at night when Lily or my grandma are sleeping. If they do come to me you will leave me alone." I say extending my hand. He smirks and shakes my hand gently, like I'm fragile.
"Deal." He says. I follow him out and we sit down on the steps.
"Give it a few minutes to let my scent cover the area." I say. He chuckles again.
"Their wolves. There gonna go out and hunt on instinct." He smiles.
"Okay, let them out." I order. His eyes cloud over then we hear a loud howl. A few minutes later 3 wolves come running out of the tree line. They run at me and start licking me all over. I giggle and push them off.
"Good job!" I say petting them. Drake sighs. A few minutes later over 15 guys are in the tree line making the hidden pen. I smile and Drake looks at me.
"This is goodbye then?" He asks. I nod. He sighs.
"Could I get a hug?" He asks shyly.
"No." I say. He groans.
"Make sure they finish and put theses guys in the enclosures. I also want one guy to come feed them when they need to be fed." I tell him. He nods.
"Anything for you." He says before turning around and walking away. I smirk and walk inside. I look to see the glass cleaned up with a new glass if water with ice in it.
"He really has a thing for me." I say quietly. I grab the glass and shut off the living room light, I head up the stairs and head into my room. I take the clothes off and put on booty shorts with a tank top. I crawl into bed next to Lily and fall asleep.

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