clicking the off button on his hello kitty speaker, the leprechaun stared at me. standing in front of me was the biggest boy band on the planet. it was one addition.
'so your leaving right now pack your bags' my mum exclaimed. without saying a word i ran upstairs and shut my bedroom door. my back slid down the door as panic washed over me. i knew they wouldn't let me play my idol jake paul when they had songs out like i want and na na na.
i rushed to stuff my things in my mincraft creeper backpack. my one direction nightie, my dance monkey cd, my signed photo of da baby and most importantly my ed sheeran cutout. i zipped it up and rushed back down the stairs.
'got a limo outside luv' the one dressed like an ikea beadspread said to me. 'vas happnin' another one said.
as a climed in the limo waiting for me, the sweet sound of sorry by justin beiber filled my ears. 'hope you like justin beiber' liam exclaimed. i did. i loved justin beiber. he was probably my fourth favourite singer.
i sat and listened to the music as i prepared myself for the adventure i had awaiting me.
<hey this is amelie but anyways this is all spelt wrong and you can tell i have no idea where i'm taking this but just wait i have ideas but it's too early for them>

Fanfictioni'm gonna write the most satire one direction story ever. expect chaos <3