05 White Day pt.1

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One Week Ago
Once, William found Board Meetings to be tedious. These days, he loathed them. However, it wasn’t merely the neverending script of formalities nor the reproachful comments of his superiors. It was the discussions that took place after the majority of the Board left, all revolving around a certain rookie.

Among the only people remaining in the meeting were the Chairman and five other officials, those who had millenia over him in status. These were shinigami who had lived through the majority of their history and were responsible for ensuring that it continued. By now, William was the youngest in the room, his presence allowed only because of a simple truth: he was the one who had found ______ ________ on March 14th of last year. 

“Dr. Sheppard,” said the Chairman. “Your report.” 

The doctor rose from his seat tucked in the back of the conference room, approaching the Chairman with a clipboard. He presented it with respect before speaking his findings… or lack thereof. “She is in top physical condition for a dispatch officer. Lab results from her most recent blood test are perfectly sound. Save for her unusually superb eyesight, She continues to appear physically indistinguishable from any other female shinigami of her maturity bracket.”

“‘Appear,’ Dr. Sheppard?” the Chairman narrowed his eyes.

“As I’ve expressed before, Chairman, I believe there is still more to her physiology to be uncovered.” Dr. Sheppard said. William could feel contempt boiling in his chest, knowing precisely what was coming next. “With your permission, I’d--”

“Your curiosity is indecent.” interjected one of the officials. She was a harsh woman, her features so sharp that they threatened to pierce anyone who dared cross her. “The Second is not a lab rat. For as long as I sit in this seat, you will not perform any experiments past your current limitations. To have the audacity--”

“That’ll do just fine, Madam West.” the Chairman said. Even though he was quite soft-spoken, his words commanded the respect of the entire room. “Thank you for your report, Dr. Sheppard. You are dismissed.”

As the doctor took his leave, the attention of the conference shifted to himself. William rose to his feet, waiting to be addressed.

“Mr. Spears, how has she fared in the workplace?”

    “She is very diligent. A valuable officer.”

“Has she expressed any unusual concerns as of late?”

    “Not in the slightest.”

“Do you have any remarks?”

    “None, Chairman.”

“Very well. You, too, are dismissed.”

William bowed and moved towards the door. However, before his outstretched hand touched the knob, the Chairman spoke again. 

“Mr. Spears.”

He felt a shot of adrenaline at the stillness of the other’s tone. “Sir?”

“I needn’t remind you that as The Second’s guardian, it is your responsibility to maintain a steadfast and amicable relationship. A relationship void of complications.”

“Of course, Chairman.” William replied evenly. 

“That is all, Mr. Spears.”

Scarcely did William T. Spears ever regret one of his actions. Once again, ______ was proving the exception to the principles he lived by.

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