12 News

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Ronald Knox heaved his hundredth sigh that day, feeling utterly hopeless. For hours, he had gone through everything in William's office in the hope of finding something that hinted as to where he had disappeared to. He'd even visited the man's apartment but the search yielded similarly useless results. If he learned anything in the past 24 hours about William, it was that he seriously needed a girl. 

He sat outside on the stairs leading up to the SDS building, having just finished his shift and unsure of where to go next. It was frustrating— no, infuriating. He hated not knowing , and the more days that swept past without news, the more he he began to fear for the worst. Light footsteps approached from behind him. "Knox."

"I just clocked out, Alan-sempai." Knox said, intending a lighthearted protest. Instead, it sounded like he was on the brink of a bloody rampage, and he cringed when he realized how on edge he sounded. 

"This isn't about work." Alan said. "It's about them."

"Them?" Ronald turned around, with wide eyes. "You don't mean...?"

Alan's voice was no greater than a whisper, it evident that he didn't want others to overhear. "Dr. Sheppard was found dead in the living world this morning with a note. Demons, and they're claiming they have two more of our own."


They found Eric and Grell in the lobby, even the latter bearing a grim expression. Eric was the first to acknowledge them, looking to Alan. "You tell him?"

Alan nodded. "I told him that the demons are in possession of two hostages."

"Not just hostages, it's got to be them. What are they asking for?" Ronald asked, just tuning in as he approached behind Alan. 

"Death scythes." Eric said.

"So give it to them." Ronald said, wondering why they had not already reached this conclusion. Demons were despicable, but they always kept their words. It was in their natures to cast away their lives before breaking deals. So what was a few death scythes to getting ______ and William back?

"We can't." 

"Why not?" Ronald asked, feeling a little annoyed.

"We're at war, Ronald." Eric said, crossing his arms. "The only thing we have over demons is our technology, our weapons. Giving them some of our death scythes might enable them to manufacture more. We can't put that much on the line for just two people, even if it is ______ and William."

Ronald clenched his jaw. "So we're back to square one."

"Not necessarily." Alan said, in his insufferable look-at-the-bright-side tone. "We know they're alive."

"I'll kill all of them for laying a hand on my man." Grell hissed through serrated teeth, speaking for the first time. "I'll rip them to shreds for kidnapping our rookie."

"That's great and all," Eric said, "But we have no idea where they are. They could be anywhere in England, both in our realm and the living realm. Plus, I haven't even passed on the news to the higher-ups. They might take it into their own hands."

"There's no way we can let them take over." Ronald said. "All they will do is talk and talk and sweep everything under the rug."

"In short, the right thing." Eric said. "It is the greater good."

"Um... excuse me... are you all the dispatch unit?" said a woman's voice. Their heads turned to the top of the staircase, where stood a woman in a labcoat- someone with the hospital unit?

"We are. So what?" Grell looked more surprised by the woman's dress than her appearance whilst they were in the midst of a serious conversation. "Who are you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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