Chapter Six

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That one sorority group with the strangest combination of members.

Aramina's POV

Guess what? We had been given a holiday from kindergarten until further notice because of all the construction work. It was a little disappointing though, because our upcoming field trip to the water park got cancelled because of that, but our principal promised us that she'd find a way to compensate for that once the holiday was over so I decided that maybe this unexpected vacation wasn't going to be so bad. We were even told that we would still get a few days of a summer vacation as well, which had shocked all my high school friends because things would have never worked like this for them. I didn't know why; something about how they had to study a lot more than us. But I wished to disagree with that. We had to study plenty too. The ABCs and addition and subtraction and learning how to colour inside the lines of the picture.

Learning how to colour inside the lines of the picture was very tiring.

I was glad to have received a break from that, even though it meant that I'd just have to keep sitting in Daddy's office while watching movies on his laptop or reading storybooks all day since he refused to leave me alone in the house. But maybe that wasn't so bad either since I'd already spent two days like this at Ye Ran and I was actually enjoying myself.

What I wasn't enjoying though, was seeing how Shinwoo oppa and Ik-Han oppa had been glaring daggers at each other throughout the entirety of lunch today.

Daddy had told me that though he couldn't allow me to sit in the classrooms with all the older students, he could allow me to go spend some time with my friends during the lunch hour which was exactly what I'd done yesterday when everything had been fun. Today had been nowhere near the definition of fun because the only two people who talked the most at our table were just silently looking like they were planning to kill each other. That awkward tension between them made it difficult for Yuna unnie, Suyi unnie and me to chat as well, while Master, Regis oppa and Seira unnie remained quiet as usual. According to Suyi unnie, Shinwoo oppa and Ik-Han oppa had been acting like this before lunch period too and that worried me since these two boys were generally never the ones to fight. Something horrible must have happened between them if they were going as far as giving each other the cold shoulder. On the few occasions when Ik-Han oppa would at least try to make conversation, Shinwoo oppa would start backing away and screaming at Ik-Han oppa to talk from right where he was. No wonder Ik-Han oppa stopped trying after a while. Anybody would get irritated if their best friend would suddenly start treating them like a monster of some sorts.


I looked up from packing all my storybooks and dolls into my little backpack when Daddy called out to me. School had ended now and all my oppas and unnies were planning to come over like always. It was really awesome to get to hang out with them every single day now that they had three of their own classmates living at our place. What was even better was that now I got to see them at school too.

"Are you done gathering all your things?"


I nodded and glanced at Master who was seated on the couch adjacent to me, silently sipping his tea. I think he had skipped last period because I had seen him here for the last one hour, drinking his tea and glancing at me from time to time. But now he would stand up to walk home with Regis oppa and Seira unnie and I would have to go with them since Daddy and Ishii oppa always had to stay late. Until I remembered something...



"Yuna unnie said that she's bought a new board gwame and asked if I wanted to go to her place to see if it's wood enough for us to plway. Can I?"

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